
Listed below are web links to organisations that we collaborate with or find useful.
1. Professor Simon Davy is the President of the International Symbiosis Society.
2. Professor Simon Davy is a sponsor of the Cnidarian Dinoflagellate Symbiosis email list, which enables researchers in our field to share their latest publications, hear about interesting courses, conferences and workshops, and ask questions and advice on a forum. Please direct any questions on this email forum to Dr Scott Santos at The Santos Lab, Auburn University.
3. The Davy Lab works closely with that of Prof. Virginia Weis at Oregon State University. The Weis Lab is similarly interested in the establishment, maintenance and breakdown of cnidarian/dinoflagellate symbiosis.
In recent years we have collaborated with many researchers in New Zealand and overseas. Current overseas collaborators include:
- Professor Virginia Weis – Oregon State University (USA)
- Professor Ruth Gates – University of Hawaii (USA)
- Professor Arthur Grossman – Stanford University (USA)
- Associate Professor David Suggett – University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
- Professor Cecile Sabourault – University of Nice (France)
- Professor Anders Meibom – École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Dr. Todd LaJeunesse – Penn State University (USA)
- Professor Madeleine van Oppen – University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Professor Geoff McFadden – University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Dr Garen Baghdasarian – Santa Monica College (USA)
- Dr. Nicole Webster – Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Recent funding and prizes
2015 | Royal Society of New Zealand Charles Fleming Senior Scientist Award
2015 | Victoria University Research Excellence Award
2011 | Victoria University Teaching Excellence Award
External funding
2017-2020 | Marsden Fund (NZ$830,000 awarded; PI): “From parasitism to mutualism: symbiosis interaction states and the adaptability of reef corals to climate change” with Prof. Ruth Gates (University of Hawaii), Prof. Arthur Grossman (Stanford University), Prof. Virginia Weis (Oregon State University) and Dr. Clint Oakley (postdoctoral fellow, VUW).
2016-2019 | Marsden Fund (NZ$840,000 awarded; AI): “Soaking it Up: Unlocking mechanisms of sponge acclimation in a changing world” with Assoc. Prof. James Bell (PI, VUW) and Drs. Nicole Webster (AIMS), Mike Taylor (University of Auckland), Matt Dunn (VUW) and Beth Fulton (CSIRO) (all AIs).
2013-2016 | Marsden Fund (NZ$920,000 awarded; PI): “The adaptability of corals to climate change: symbiont switching and the role of nutritional interactions” with Prof. Arthur Grossman (Stanford University) & Prof. Virginia Weis (Oregon State University).
2010-2013 | Marsden Fund (NZ$960,000 awarded; PI): “Coral in a changing world: establishing a physiological mechanism for current and future patterns of reef distribution” with Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and Assoc. Prof. Sophie Dove (University of Queensland; AIs), Assoc. Prof. Bill Leggat (James Cook University, AI) & Dr. Paul Fisher (postdoctoral fellow, VUW).