
SEMINAR by Assoc Prof Matt Baker

Monday, 29 May

Matt’s group at UNSW Sydney studies complex systems and their origins, working across microbiology, biophysics, synthetic biology and evolutionary biology. A particular interest is the bacterial flagella motor as a model to explore protein engineering, directed and experimental evolution. His group also takes a ‘bottom-up’ synthetic biology to build new nanotechnologies out of simple lipid and DNA components to create new tools in biosensing and light-activation. Matt also has a keen interest in science communication and appears regularly on Saturday Morning with Kim Hill on Radio New Zealand. It should be a great and engaging seminar, so save the date and hope to see you there!

When: Monday, 29 May. Morning tea from 10:30-11:00 and seminar from 11:00-12:00
Where: Alan MacDiarmid Building Room 106  (AM106)

Prof Matt Baker

Upcoming Hybrid Conference

(with 10 free registrations!)

As part of the CfB's efforts to build connections in the Asia-Pacific region, we are supporting the 4th Conference of the College of Biochemists of Sri Lanka (CBSL). This one-day hybrid meeting will take place on 7 July.

The plenary speakers are the pioneering structural biologist Prof Andrew Wang (Taiwan), VUW alumna Dr Seeseei Molimau-Samasoni (Sāmoa) and our own Dr Jeremy Owen.

Abstract submission is now open (deadline: 30 April). Details are available on the CSBL website:

The CfB will also cover registration fees for up to 10 of our members to attend online. Please let us know via email ( if you would like us to register you. Priority will be given to those who submit abstracts. The deadline for expressing your interest is 5 May.