Māori and Pasifika

The Māori and Pasifika liaison staff in the School are responsible for ensuring the best interests of the students are looked after.

Our liaison staff are approachable, friendly, and committed to the success of students.

Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology
School of Social and Cultural Studies

Māori and Pasifika tutorials

The school organises Cultural Awareness training for all their tutors to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to engage and support Māori and Pasifika students in their tutorial sessions. The school’s philosophy is to run tutorial groups that are inclusive of all students from all back- grounds and ethnicities so students are exposed to a diversity of world views and beliefs in tutorial discussions.


The school is committed to ensuring that students have every opportunity to succeed in their studies and have set up procedures to ‘check-in’ with students at critical points of the trimester, such as:

  • Checking on students who have not signed up for a tutorial session through the myAllocator system (generally the week before tutorials start)
  • Checking on students who have signed up for a tutorial but who have not attended any sessions (generally around week 3)
  • Checking on students who do not submit/sit the first assessment