Faisal Al-Asaad

BA(Hons), MA (Auck), PhD (Melb)
Research Specialties
Social and political theory, settler colonialism, imperialism, race and racial capitalism
Refereed Journal Articles
2022, The revenge economy and the problem of unpayability (review of Max Haiven’s Revenge Capitalism: The ghosts of empire, the demons of capital, and the settling of unpayable debt [2020]). Counterfutures, 13, 132-148.
2021, Reading our ‘destiny in the world we have made’: inscriptions and incantations of race in the wake of the Christchurch massacres. Counterfutures, 11, 53-77.
(with A. Rata) 2019, Whakawhanaungatanga as a Māori approach to Indigenous-settler of colour relationship building. New Zealand Population Review, 45, 211-233.
Book Chapters
Forthcoming 2025, Settler colonialism, race, and international law. In M. al Attar & C. Smith (Eds). Emancipating International Law: Confronting the Violence of Racialised Boundaries. Oxford University Press (accepted)
Forthcoming 2025, On theory and praxis in migration studies and settler colonial critique. In A. Piperoglou & F. Ricatti (Eds.) Researching Migration on Indigenous Lands: Challenges, Reflections, Pathways. IMISCOE-SPRINGER Series. (accepted)
2022, ‘Race is colonialism speaking’: notes on the colonial imagination. In Lopesi, L., Sankar, A., & Tecun, A. (Eds.) Towards a Grammar of Race in Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland: BWB, 104-115.
2021, Contingent being from absolute loss. In S. Barber & M. Davidson (Eds.), Through that which separates us. Ōtautahi: The Physics Room, 51-59.
Other Recent Publications
2024, Reflections on the ‘Global Student Intifada’. Ebb Magazine.
2024, Key Concept: Elimination in Settler Colonialism. Critical Legal Thinking.
2024, Temporalities of Revolt. Allegra Lab: Anthropology for Radical Optimism.
2024, The ‘crisis’ in the Red Sea and paying tribute to the empire. Overland Literary Journal.
2023, The Arabian Nights and the pre-history of commercial capitalism. Borderlines Journal.
Conference Papers/Panels
2024 – ‘Settler capitalism and dollar imperialism’ (paper) – Dollar Hegemony, State Sovereignty and International Order: An International Workshop, University of New South Wales.
2022 – ‘On debilitation and the political economy of accident compensation’ (paper) – Historical Materialism Conference, Melbourne Trades Hall.
2018 – ‘Migration and Settler Colonialism: Communities, Relations, Potentialities ’ (panel) – HE RĀKAU TAU MATUA: Pathways, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Massey University, Auckland.
2016 – ‘The settler reality beneath the multicultural ‘swamp’’ (paper) – Space, Race, Bodies II: Sovereignty and Migration in a Carceral Age, University of Otago, Dunedin.
2014 – ‘Islamophobia and the postracial’ (panel) – Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association (ACRWSA) Conference: the State of Race II, Brisbane.
Lectures & Talks
Guest lecture: ‘Racial capitalism’ presented to SPOL316: Intersectionality, Social Policy, and Change, Victoria University of Wellington (September, 2024)
Panel discussion: ‘The student fight for Palestine’ hosted by the International Socialist Organisation, Victoria University of Wellington (July, 2024)
Guest Lecture series: ‘Power in the sociological imagination’ presented to SOSC102: Doing Sociology, Victoria University of Wellington (September, 2023)
Invited Talk: ‘Naming the Beast: Towards a Grammar of Race’ hosted by the Verb Writers and Readers Festival (November, 2022)
Guest Lecture: ‘Articulations of law, settler colonialism, and the war on terror’ presented to LAWGENRL 459: Special Topic: Race and the Law, University of Auckland (August, 2022)
Invited Talk: ‘States of the body produced by injury: race and the biopolitics of debility’ hosted by the Critical Theory Network, University of Auckland (March, 2022)
Guest Lecture: ‘Being Muslim in Aotearoa’ presented to SOCIOL 101: ‘Understanding Aotearoa/New Zealand’, University of Auckland (October, 2020)