Criminology staff
Find contact details and information about Criminology staff.
Deputy Director (Undergraduate)
Senior Lecturer
Wellington Uni-Professional|School of Social and Cultural Studies
Postgraduate coordinator for PhD students
Postgraduate coordinator for MA and MCrim students
Senior Lecturer
Wellington Uni-Professional|School of Social and Cultural Studies
Programme staff
Senior Lecturer
Wellington Uni-Professional|School of Social and Cultural Studies

Amy FitzGerald
Teaching Assistant
Tutor CRIM
Tutor EdPsych
School of Education|School of Social and Cultural Studies|School of Education

Dr Monique Minshall
Teaching Fellow
School of Social and Cultural Studies
Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Social and Cultural Studies
Research Adviser
Senior Lecturer
Vice-Provost Research Centre|School of Social and Cultural Studies

Gabrielle Watson
Teaching Fellow
Tutor CRIM
Tutor EdPsych
School of Social and Cultural Studies|School of Social and Cultural Studies|School of Education
Emeritus Professors
Adjunct research fellows
Dr Jordan Anderson
Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Social and Cultural Studies
Dr Elaine Mossman
Adjunct research fellow
School of Social and Cultural Studies
Sir Kim Workman
Adjunct research fellow
School of Social and Cultural Studies