Not-for-Profit and Public Sector
This research group provides a forum for discussions of current research and developments in the not-for-profit and public sectors.
Drawing on Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington's position at the heart of government, it encourages research into accounting and accountability issues facing these sectors. The research interest group meets regularly at lunchtimes where members or invited speakers present their current research. Invited speakers have included PhD and Master’s students who are researching topics relevant to the research group.
The group comprises six academics, with a broad range of research interests and backgrounds. These research interests include:
- local government and central government financial management practices
- performance measurement in the public sector
- financial and nonfinancial reporting for both public sector and not-for-profit sector
- accounting history in relation to the public sector
- accounting and religion
- accountability
- sports and accounting
- volunteer valuation and management
- third party service provision.
A number of members have backgrounds in the public and not-for-profit sectors. Many members are also active in the not-for-profit sector. The group also contributes to financial reporting standards setting from time to time.