Philosophy, Behavioural, Social, and Environmental Accounting
This research group is interested in the development, application, and critique of philosophy, ethics and social theory in accounting, law, and commerce.
This includes research that is both inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary in nature.
This research group has a particular interest in research aimed at democratising accounting and business law and exploring its connection with business culture. Members of the group have published in international academic journals, and there is a body of emerging graduate and post-graduate work.
We seek to politicise aspects of accounting, business law, economics, and management which have traditionally been treated as beyond politics. We are also interested in exploring the potential of more dialogic approaches to accounting, including their implications for business education.
Spaces of Democracy and Democracy of Space Research Network
This research group is also the institutional node for the Spaces of Democracy and Democracy of Space Research Network at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. This is an interdisciplinary forum and includes members from within the Wellington School of Business and Government and the wider University.
This developed from the involvement of several members of the group with the Australasian Summer School in Contemporary Critical Theories held at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, and links with leading members of the Centre for Theoretical Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at Essex University in the United Kingdom. The group hosts Spaces of Democracy and Democracy of Space workshops and collaborates with the network in other related activities.
Research links
Members of this Research Group have also established linkages with a number of other international academics and research centres. These include the Centre for Socio-legal Studies at Oxford University and the Centre for Social and Environment Accounting Research (CSEAR) at St Andrews University in the United Kingdom, the Center for Professional Integrity and Accountability, Portland State University in the United States and Professor Peter Söderbaum from Mälardalen University, Sweden.
Members of the group are also on the editorial boards of the recently-launched Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space Journal and the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education.
Members of the Philosophy, Behavioural, Social and Environmental Accounting Research Interest Group
Emeritus Professor
Professor of Accounting
School of Accounting and Commercial Law|School of Accounting and Commercial Law

Clare Markham
Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Accounting and Commercial Law|School of Accounting and Commercial Law