Public administration programme delivered in Kazakhstan
In December 2013, Dr Rodney Dormer was invited to present a five day programme at the Kazakhstan Academy of Public Administration in Astana.

In December 2013, Dr Rodney Dormer was invited to present a five day programme at the Kazakhstan Academy of Public Administration in Astana.
With the support of the United Nations Development Programme, the Academy has established a 'Regional Hub' to provide educational programmes ranging from short courses through to doctoral study, and to promote and support related research.
Dr. Dormer's programme was presented to senior civil servants from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
All of these countries are seeking to establish more effective models of public management but are still in the process of redesigning structures, and emerging from a culture, created by their long emersion in the soviet system.
The programme was not designed to teach participants about the New Zealand model of public management (although they were interested in that), but aimed to provide a framework of questions to help attendees from each country explore models that reflect the challenges of their own unique challenges.