Sarah Spencer

SEM Facilities Manager

Robinson Research Institute


Sarah Spencer runs the Scanning Electron Microscope suite at Robinson Research Institute. She is experienced in imaging techniques, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, and EBSD. This includes numerous sample preparation techniques for both Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy including embedding, sectioning, polishing, coating, and ion milling for a wide range of samples in materials science and for biological specimens.

Her work also involves analysing samples for internal projects and external customers, training new users, and carrying out instrument maintenance.

She has a Master's of Science in Marine Biology from Auckland University and a Bachelor of Science from University of Otago.


Journal article

Dimensionally stable anodes for the oxygen evolution reaction: Ruthenium dioxide on a nickel metal substrate, 12 September 2022, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; 47(78):33374-33381.88 Jovic V, Sullivan M, KeBler P, Gupta P, Fiedler H, Spencer S, Moser S, Marshall AT, Kennedy JV
m, 10.1016/J.IJHYDENE.2022.07.206

Journal article

A facile route to insulate an Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy powder for magnetic composite cores, 1 February 2021, Materials Science and Engineering: B; 264.88 Chong SV, Trompetter WJ, Leveneur J, Robinson F, Leuw B, Rumsey B, McCurdy M, Turner J, Uhrig DM, Spencer S, Kennedy J, Long NJ
m 10.1016/J.MSEB.2020.114928

Orcid: 0000-0003-3546-4051