Contact us

Find contact and location details for Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice.

Visit our library

In our Pipitea campus offices we host a large collection of books, journal articles and historic documents on restorative justice in New Zealand and internationally.

If you are researching restorative just or restoratives practices in New Zealand and want to access our library, please contact us at


Level 3
Rutherford House
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
15 Lambton Quay

Postal address

Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice
Rutherford House Mailroom
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

You can reach us by emailing or by phone on +64 4 463 7421.

You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter and sign up for our newsletter.

Chair in Restorative Justice

School of Government