Rainbow Studies Now Symposium 2023

Register for our upcoming symposium

Rainbow Studies Now—Legacies of Community

Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington

Thursday, 23 November 2023

The Rainbow Research Network has now opened registrations for their inaugural symposium Rainbow Studies Now: Legacies of Community, to be held at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, on Thursday 23 November 2023.

Rainbow Studies Now—Legacies of Community aims to broaden our understanding of a growing foundation of queer and trans cultural histories and highlight the growing importance of self-representation among LGBTQIA+ communities: stories by us, about us, for us. But what are some of the challenges facing Rainbow researchers today? How do we revisit the legacies of the past to mobilise communities in new directions? And what methodologies have we refashioned to reflect and redefine our lived experiences?

Rainbow Studies Now will be open to all postgraduate students and staff (academic and professional) at Te Herenga Waka, and it will be a hybrid event (in-person and online) with Zoom available for both presenters and attendees. This event will be free for everyone, though registration will be required.

Queer and trans history is world history, and we’d love for you to join us as we share and celebrate our research.

Register online for Rainbow Studies Now. Registrations will be open until November 10.


Deadline for submission: Friday 15 September

Notification of acceptance: end of September

Symposium date: Thursday 23 November

Venue: Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington (Kelburn campus)

Photo from 1970 depicting the Christopher Street pride march
Pride March on Christopher Street, 1970, The LGBT Community Center National History Archive/Leonard Fink; 1974

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