Wind power generators

Support for researchers

Our researchers are well-supported by the University—help is available for anything from funding applications to commercialising your discoveries.

Two students in a chemistry lab wear white lab coats while running an experiement.

Research Office

Our researchers get expert guidance from our Research Office, which specialises in research funding, business liaison, ethics, the Performance-Based Research Fund, information management, and professional development.

Find out more

Wellington UniVentures

From the early stages of development, Wellington UniVentures connects researchers with the road to commercialisation. We make ideas become reality and help researchers learn a whole new set of skills along the way.

Wellington UniVentures
CloudSpec wine analysis.
Researcher interviewing two students

New ethics management system

Learn about Hōkai, our new ethics management system and application portal.

Learn more
An image with multiple red feathers, and one green one, set against a black backdground.

Māori research practices

It's important our researchers consider how they can incorporate a Māori dimension into their research work. Read about how you can do this, what support is available and why it's valuable.

Discover more

Useful links for our researchers

Research funding

Find out what research funding is available and how to apply, manage your grants, and get further help.

Staff intranet Funding calendar

Research ethics

Victoria University of Wellington is committed to meeting the highest ethical standards for all research that involves human or animal participants.

Find out more

Supervising PhD students

Visit the staff intranet to learn more about supervising doctoral students. You'll also find information about training, scholarships, and the thesis examination process.

Staff intranet Faculty of Graduate Research

Digital research hub

Find key information about digital research methods in Nuku, our online learning platform. Tools covered include Qualtrics, Python, and Rāpoi high performance computing.

Go to Nuku
An image of layered rocks with a thin layer of yellow moss.

The Research Trust

All Victoria University of Wellington research funding is kept in a charitable trust that manages and administers the funds.

The Trust helps staff manage both internal and external grants and ensures the funding is only used to support research activities.

Connect with us

Research Office

The Research Office supports academic staff and liaises with external organisations. Find out what services we offer and who to contact for help.

Staff contacts

Commercialisation office

To find out how you can commercialise or license your research, get in touch with Wellington UniVentures.

Contact us