Earthquake Hazard Centre
The Earthquake Hazard Centre is a research and information network focused on earthquake-resistant design and construction.
The Earthquake Hazard Centre (EHC) is a research and information network which disseminates earthquake-resistant design and construction information with a focus upon the needs of Developing Countries.
The EHC seeks to share basic earthquake engineering knowledge and research findings that may be known and applied in some countries, with professionals within the building industry who are working in construction-related fields in Developing Countries. The EHC aims to provide information which is relevant and appropriate to the limited resources available in communities where this information is most needed.
A quarterly newsletter is the main publication of the Centre. The first issue was published in July 1997. However, there are various other publications around the work happening in the EHC.
The newsletter contains research findings, news and information to improve earthquake-resistant design and construction practice. By networking internationally with as many relevant institutions as possible, the EHC provides up-to-date and technologically appropriate information, encouraging improvements to the earthquake performance of the built environment within Developing Countries.
Tools, techniques, and training materials are available on the web site.

Andrew Charleson
Postgraduate researchers
- Hemisha Jeram (2021): Shake Up: Post Disaster Housing in Nepal.
Current research projects
- Māori resilience following the Christchurch 2011 and the Kaikoura 2016 Earthquakes: A practitioner's perspective
- Drones for rapid earthquake assessment
- Shaking Tables as a design tool for housing following the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal
- Earthquake Prone Marae
- Thermal drones in earthquake assessment of existing buildings
Research highlights
- RESIST software by Andrew Charleson and Peter Wood.
- Hulme, J (2016) ; The Role of Architects in Post Disaster Reconstruction
- Hubbard J (2017) Architecture Via Aceh Master’s thesis
- Allaf, N. J. (2020). “Towards an improved integration of seismic retrofit and architecture and the means to achieve it”, Congent Engineering Journal. Taylor and Francis. (accepted - cogenteng-2020-0172r1)
- Charleson, A. W and Blondet, M. 2012. Seismic reinforcement for adobe houses using straps cut from used car tires. Earthquake Spectra, 28:2, pp. 511 – 531.
- Charleson, A. W. and Allaf, N. 2012. Costs of base-isolation and earthquake insurance in New Zealand. Proceedings of the conference of the NZ Society for Earthquake Engineering, April, Paper no. 04, 8 pp.
- Greene, M. and Charleson, A. W., 2012. The World Housing Encyclopedia: a global resource on construction technologies.Proceedings of the15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 Sept. Paper 3310.
Newsletter and resources
The resources that are available from the Centre include the following:
- The RESIST software
- The Building Capability Assessment Tool
- The Quality-of-Life Tool based on the DASS Tool.
- Earthquake Training Materials for response teams
Online videos and tools will be uploaded into the EHC library.
No Conferences are in the pipeline at this stage.
Contact the Earthquake Hazard Centre
Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation
139 Vivian Street, Te Aro
New Zealand
Telephone: +64-4-463-6200
Postal address
Earthquake Hazard Centre (EHC)
Wellington School of Architecture
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand