The Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington brings together expertise and innovation from two schools: the School of Engineering and Computer Science and the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

Our work includes a broad range of research projects and commercial work for clients across various application domains, as well as postgraduate teaching and supervision for Master’s and PhD students.

Research projects

We're applying our academic strengths to industries such as aquaculture and urban planning. Find out more about our current research projects.

CDSAI Director receives the 2024 Australasian Artificial Intelligence

Professor Mengjie Zhang, Director CDSAI, has been honoured with the 2024 Australasian Artificial Intelligence Distinguished Research Contribution Award.

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Mengjie Zhang standing on the stage receiving an award.
Photo (from left to right): Mengjie Zhang, Bing Xue, Ivy Lui, Fangfang Zhang, and Nagaraj Krishnan

CDSAI leads the conversation at the New Zealand Aquaculture Conference

In October, researchers and academics from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington’s Centre for Data Science and AI (CDSAI) attended the New Zealand Aquaculture Conference and workshops in Nelson.

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CDSAI’s inaugural Advisory Board meeting

Te Whiri Kawe—Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CDSAI), recently held its inaugural Advisory Board meeting.

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CDSAI board meeting

Our research themes

We offer expertise across several technology themes in the artificial intelligence and machine learning space, with a wide variety of application to real-world industries.

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A row of spines of book publications
Large silver-coloured fish laid out on a grey table

Where we're applying our expertise

Data science and artificial intelligence can be applied across a wide variety of different industries. Find out how we're taking our knowledge into the world.

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CDSAI at Te Herenga Waka

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