Victoria Summer Research Scholarships

The University partners with companies, government agencies and professional groups during the summer months to tackle projects needing extra research support.

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington has top students from a variety of disciplines that can be available for 10-week research placements over summer.

Every placement is supported by a Victoria University Summer Research Scholarship. You contribute $8,000 towards the student’s scholarship.


It’s a win-win for you and the University: you benefit from the student’s research and development skills and a student gets practical research experience.

The research students are high-achievers and come from a wide range of study areas, including science and engineering, humanities and social sciences, commerce, architecture, education, and law.

Each scholarship recipient will work with a supervisor who will work with your organisation and the student to ensure that maximum benefit is gained from the research project.

For more information, contact the Scholarships Office.

Contact the Scholarships Office

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington's Scholarships Office can provide new and innovative ways to progress your ideas to reality through a student scholarship or research project.