Tertiary sports tournaments

Our students compete in a range of university sports tournaments across New Zealand.

Our university takes part in the University & Tertiary Sport New Zealand Championship series, which sees New Zealand’s universities and tertiary institutions go head-to-head in national competitions.

Tournaments are held in a range of sports across the year. Trials are open to all Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington students. We aim to select our top sportspeople and ensure our strongest teams represent the University.

Points from each tournament accumulate toward an overall tally that decides the champion institution each year. Success at some tournaments can lead to international opportunities.

There are costs associated with travelling and competing in these events and these are communicated to players as soon as possible. Students and teams are encouraged to fundraise.

2025 UTSNZ National Tertiary Championships calendar

The full schedule of National Tertiary Championship events for 2025 are yet to be announced.

Be sure to register your interest for events to ensure you receive emails about upcoming trial dates and tournament information. Please note that there will be costs associated with player entry.

Rowing18–19 AprilLake Ruataniwha, TwizelContact the club
Badminton3–4 MayAuckland Badminton StadiumRegister to trial
3x3 Basketball17–18 MayMore FM Arena, DunedinRegister to trial
Volleyball5–6 JulyTe Rauparaha Arena, PoriruaRegister to trial
Futsal26–28 JulyCentral Energy Trust Arena, Palmerston NorthRegister to trial
Ultimate30–31 AugustLloyd Elsmore Park, AucklandContact the club
Basketball12–14 SeptemberHiwa, University of Auckland Recreation CentreRegister to trial
Netball27–28 SeptemberChristchurch Netball CentreRegister to trial

2024 National Tertiary Championship Results

Overall UTSNZ Shield placing for Victoria University of Wellington—7th
Overall UTSNZ Spirit placing for Victoria University of Wellington—1st
3x3 Basketball7th7th
National Tertiary Football Cup1stN/A
Oceania qualifiers for the FISU University World Cup2ndN/A