Sports leagues

On-campus social sports leagues include netball, indoor football, futsal, volleyball, and basketball. They’re fun, affordable, and designed for students.

Trimester 1 sports leagues—entries closed

Entries are closed for our Trimester 1 sports leagues.

If you would like more info about our sports leagues, email the Sports team at

Trimester 1 sports leagues information

All matches will be played either in the main gym or in Boyd Wilson Arena, both on Kelburn campus.

See the sports leagues dates for the full 9 weeks of the Trimester 1 and 2 competitions.

The registration fees and requirements for 2025 are as follows:

  • $230 for student teams—all players must be current students at Victoria University of Wellington who can provide valid student ID numbers.
  • $250 for combined teams—all teams must have at least three students at the Victoria University of Wellington or staff that can provide valid ID numbers.
  • $40 for individuals—all individuals must be current Victoria University of Wellington students with a valid ID number.

Team captains will be emailed competition details once entries close on Thursday 11 July. Students who register individually will be placed with other registered individuals into a student team if there are enough numbers—if not, our Sports team will do their best to find a team for these individuals.

Please read through the sports league conditions before registering, as well as the sport-specific rules found at the bottom of the page.

Gender requirements

  • Open leagues—no gender combination requirements.
  • Mixed leagues—gender combination requirements, specific to sports code.
  • Netball—each team can have a maximum of three male players on the court, with only one player male allowed in each third of the court at any one time.
  • Volleyball—teams must always have at least two female players on the court.