Women in Tech (VUWWIT)
A group for all students but with a focus on supporting women and minorities interested in, or studying, computer science, engineering, and other STEM subjects
Any person studying at VUW, VUW alumni and members of the greater Wellington tech community are welcome to join, regardless of gender, though our focus is on supporting and empowering women, gender-diverse people and other minorities in STEM. We run networking, social, outreach events and workshops to aid members in their student life and future. We aim to provide opportunities for members to socialise with each other and industry in a supportive environment. We also run an annual conference WITCon (Women In Tech Conference) celebrating diversity and various topics in STEM.
Sign up for free each year to join our membership base and receive newsletters with opportunities and notifications about our events. Follow our social media to keep up-to-date with everything!
Twitter: VUWWIT
Discord: VUWWIT
Sign up form: VUWWIT 2022

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Contact details
Email: vuwwit@gmail.comWebsite: Women in Tech (VUWWIT)
Facebook: Women in Tech (VUWWIT) on Facebook
Instagram: Women in Tech (VUWWIT) on Instagram