Postgraduate Students Association
A student representative group that consults and supports all Victoria University of Wellington Postgraduate students.
If you are a student at Victoria University of Wellington studying at 400-level or above, then you are part of the postgraduate community. And we are here to serve you!
Not only do we represent you on various University decision-making bodies, but we also organise events that will help you network with your fellow postgraduates and will help you have the most awesome postgraduate experience you can.
We are here for you. If you are having issues with your study, want to know where to go for information, or even want to help out in your community, then we would love you to get in touch. We love receiving emails and phone-calls. Go on, hit us up!

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Contact details
Email: Postgraduate Students Association
Facebook: Postgraduate Students Association on Facebook
Instagram: Postgraduate Students Association on Instagram