Covid-19 and Beyond: Selected material on international and comparative developments
Joel Colón-Ríos, Victoria University of Wellington and John Hopkins, University of Canterbury
Online databases and collections
- Summary (in English) of recent judgments related to COVID-19 prepared by the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF - Supremo Tribunal Federal)
- Blavatnik School of Government "Coronavirus Government Response Tracker"
#Policy #Constitution - Democratic Decay "COVID-Dem info hub"
#Policy #Podcast #Constitution #Democracy - Policy watch "Covid-19 Policy Watch"
#PublicPolicy #Health #Economy #Constitution - Privacy International "Tracking global responses to covid19"
#Privacy - The Regulation Review "Comparing Nations’ Responses to COVID-19"
#Regulation #EmergencyPowers - New Zealand Centre for Public Law and Centre for International and Areas Studies at Northwestern University and International IDEA "Government Responses to Covid-19"
#EmergencyPowers #PublicPolicy #Regulation - The University of Melbourne, "Asia Legal Conversations- COVID-19"
#Finance #Business #Justice #Labour #PublicLaw #AsiaPacific #Asia
Online symposia
- Verfassungsblog "COVID19 and stated of Emergency"
#EmergencyPowers #RuleofLaw #HumanRights - World Bank "Development policy Covid-19"
#Development #Policy #HumanRights - Verfassungsblog "Fighting COVID 19"
#Lockdown #Legality #Employment
Video seminars and lectures
- All Island Conversation around Covid 19 and Human Rights "Seminar 1 - Emergency Powers"
#HumanRights - University of Washington School of Law "Law in the Time of COVID-19: Constitutional Law and Individual Rights"
#Constitution #RuleofLaw #EmergencyPowers - John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health "COVID-19 and the Law"
#EmergencyPowers - Duke University School of Law "COVID-19: States of Emergency and Government Powers in and After the Pandemic"
#EmergencyPowers #Constitution - Yale University "Democracy & Rise of Authoritarianism in COVID-19 World"
#Democracy #RuleofLaw - Minerva Centre "Declarations of State of Emergency and Government Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic"
#EmergencyPowers - American Constitution Society "Unequal Protection: The Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on Communities of Color"
#Constitution #RuleofLaw - LLILAS Benson University of Texas "Coping with Crisis: How Governments in Latin America Are Reacting to the Pandemic"
#EmergencyPowers #LatinAmerica - The University of Melbourne "Law and COVID-19 playlist"
#EmergencyPowers #Constitution #RuleofLaw #Australia - Droits international, compare et eurpéen démocratie, état de droit et droits fondamentaux face à la pandémie de covid-19: perspectives croisées
#EmergencyPowers #Constitution #RuleofLaw - Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta "Covid-19: Emergency Powers and Legal Principle"
#EmergencyPowers #RuleofLaw #Constitution - Centro de Estudos da Constituição – CCONS, "Truth, falsity and free speech in times of crisis"
#FreeSpeech #Rights #EmergencyPowers
Publications and commentary
- Richard Griffith, "Using public health law to contain the spread of COVID-19" (March 12 2020) British Journal of Nursing vol 29 no 5
#Comparative #UK #PublicHealth - Jeff King, "The lockdown is lawful" (1 April 2020) UK Constitutional Law Association
#Lockdown #Legality #Constitution #EmergencyPowers - Lee Marsons, "Covid-19 and the health protection regulations—proportionality, deference, and intensity of review" (6 April 2020) Paul Daly, Administrative Law Matters blog
#Lockdown #UK #Legality #proportionality #Accountability #EmergencyPowers - Dan Faber, "Response to COVID-19: An international comparison" (7 April 2020) Legal Planet
#Comparative #UK #Germany - Cindy Cheng et al, "CoronaNet: A dyadic dataset of government response to the COVID-19 pandemic" (10 April 2020) Centre for open research OSF
#Policy #Legality - Tom Ginsburg and Versteeg Mila, "Tom Ginsburg Compares Various Countries' COVID-19 Responses Under Their Constitutions" (17 April 2020) Harvard Law Review Blog
#Constitution #Legality - Dr Mariela Morales Antoniazzi and Silvia Steininger, "How to protect human rights in times of Corona? Lessons from the Inter-American Human Rights System" (1 May 2020) EJIL Talk
#HumanRights #Suspension #TreatyObligations #LatinAmerica #Comparative - Paul Daly, "Regulating the Covid-19 pandemic: forms of state power and accountability challenges" (7 May 2020) Centre for Constitutional studies
#Canada #Lockdown #Legality - Simon Halliday, Jed Meers and Joe Tomlinson, "Public attitudes on compliance with COVID-19 lockdown restrictions" (8 May 2020) UK Constitutional Law Association
#EmergencyPowers #Enforcement - Carrie Leonetti, "Guest View: What COVID-19 taught us about over-incarceration" (25 May 2020) The Register-Guard
#Incarceration #UnitedStates - George Peretz, "Why fuller scrutiny of the Covid-19 legislation is essential – not just a “nice to have" (19 May 2020) Prospect
#Lockdown #Legality #RuleofLaw #UK - Thomas Poole, "A new relationship between power and liberty" (23 May 2020) Prospect
#RuleofLaw #Liberties - Jonathan Sumption, ""Lord Sumption: the only coherent position is locking down without limit- or not locking down at all" (26 May 2020) Prospect
#RuleofLaw #Lockdown #Legality #UK - Aoife Nolan, "Constitutional social rights litigation and adjudication in a time of COVID-19" (28 May 2020) IACL-AIDC blog
#Rights #JudicialDecisionMaking #Courts - Catarina Santos Botelho, "From constitutional emergency to administrative calamity: Covid-19 regulation in Portugal" (29 May 2020) Revista Derecho del Estado
#EmergencyPowers #AdminsitrativeLaw #Regulation #Constitution #Portugal