Covid-19 and Beyond: Podcasts and webinars
This multi-university initiative provides resources for the community on the legal implications of the Government's response to COVID-19.
The legal low-down on the lockdown
In this series of podcasts convened by Professor Geoff McLay, academics from Victoria University of Wellington discuss the legal implications of the government’s response to COVID-19 and ongoing developments.
Hear audio-only versions of the podcasts on the Law faculty's research site.

Part 1
Topics: suspension of constitutional duties; enforcing lockdown through ‘nudges’; access to justice and privacy; suspension of parliamentary oversight.

Part 2
Topics: a judicial review case (A v Ardern); the decision-making tracks related to lifting lockdown; enforcement for breaches; accountability mechanisms.

Part 3
Topics: rules under alert level 3; police warnings and COVID-19 rule breaches; criminal courts; human rights; the Attorney-General; the return to parliament.

Part 4
Topics: the legality of the lockdown; three recent cases testing this—A & B v Ardern habeas corpus appeal; Borrowdale v Director-General judicial review.

Part 5
Topics: lockdown legality and why it matters; new COVID-19 Public Health Measures Act (process, framework, and enforcement); new alert level 2 rules.

Part 6
Topics: balancing expediency and procedural rights in criminal courts; state surveillance; the Epidemic Response Committee; document dumps; government openness.

Part 7
Topics: reviewing the legal implications of the government’s response to COVID-19; the most striking features of lockdown; the main lessons for the future.

COVID-19 and domestic law
Topics: policy and legislative changes in response to COVID-19; employment law, redundancy, the government wage subsidy; social welfare; tenancy; insolvency.

COVID-19 and international law
Topics: UN, WHO; impacts on trade law; intellectual property for vaccine patents; environment law; law of the sea, and impacts on cruise ships.

COVID-19 and international law II
Topics: US threat to stop funding the activities of, and withdraw from, the WHO; Call for an independent inquiry into the outbreak of COVID-19.
Law and COVID-19 webinar series
In this webinar series, Auckland Law School academics offer brief live talks followed by a Q&A session to provide their expert opinions on topics of relevance to the COVID-19 pandemic.