COVID-19 and Beyond: public law
Dean Knight, Victoria University of Wellington, Hanna Wilberg, University of Auckland, and John Hopkins, University of Canterbury
- Hannah Cameron, "The New Zealand Public Service Response to Covid-19" (February 2021) Policy Quarterly Vol 17 No 1
#PublicService #Policy #Implementation - Claire Charters, "The Relevance of Te Tiriti O Waitangi in the COVID-19" (January 2021) MAI New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship Vol 17
#TreatyofWaitangi #TeTiritiOWaitangi #Constitution #Legitimacy #Equity - Jacqueline Cumming, "Going hard and early: Aotearoa New Zealand's response to Covid-19" (March 2021) Health Economics, Policy and Law vol 13
#Overview #Policy - Rodriguez Ferrere, "Borrowdale v Director-General of Health: An unlawful but justified national lockdown" (October 2020) Public Law Review vol 31 part 3
#Legality #JudicialReview #RuleofLaw #NZBORA - Andrew Geddis and Alex Latu, "Unlawful Commands, Bill of Rights, and the Common Law" (October 2020) SSRN
#BillofRights #Legality - Andrew Geddis and Graeme Edgeler, "The power(lessness) of New Zealand's House of Representatives to summons the Crown's legal advice" (5 June 2020) SSRN
#LockdownLegality #Parliament #CrownLegalAdvice - Andrew Geddis and Claudia Geiringer, "Is New Zealand’s COVID-19 lockdown lawful?" (27 April 2020) UK Const Law Blog
#Legality #Lockdown #NZBillofRights - Claudia Geiringer and Andrew Geddis, "Judicial deference and emergency power: A perspective on Borrowdale v Director-General" (2020) Public Law Review Vol 31
#Lockdown #Legality #JudicialReview #Borrowdale #EmergencyPowers - Claudia Geiringer, "The COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020" (June 2020) The New Zealand Law Journal 159
#PublicHealthAct #Urgency #Level2 #WarrantlessEntry #TinoRangatiratanga #LegislativeProcess #RuleofLaw - Gabor Hellyer "Assessing Parliament's Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic" (February 2021) Policy Quarterly Vol 17 No 1
#Parliament #EpidemicResponseCommittee #Accountability #EmergencyPowers #Legislation - John Hopkins, "Law, Luck and Lessons (Un)Learned: New Zealand Emergency Law from Canterbury to COVID-19" Public Law Review 31(4)
#EmergencyPower #DisasterLaw - John Hokins, "Smoke, Mirrors and Legal Uncertainty: the Rights and Wrongs of New Zealand's COVID-19 Response" in Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19 Lit Verlag, Munster, Germany
#Legality #Human Rights #EmergencyPowers - Dean Knight, "New Zealand: Legal Response to Covid-19" (April 2021) The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19
#Overview #Orders - Dean Knight, "New Zealand: 2020 General Election – Not An Ordinary Election, not An Ordinary Time" (January 2021) Public Law (forthcoming)
#Election #Democracy - Dean Knight, "New Zealand: Rendering Account During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (April 2021) Verfassungsblog
#Accountability #Overview - Dean Knight, "Government expression and the Covid-19 pandemic: advising, nudging, urging, commanding" (2021) Public Law Review Vol 31
#Overview #Lawmaking - Dean Knight, "New Zealand, Covid-19 and the constitution: an effective lockdown and muted role of law concerns" Covid-19 and Constitutional Law Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
#Constitution #RuleofLaw - Dean Knight, "COVID-19 and States of Emergency: Lockdown Bubbles through Lawyers of Law, Discretion and Nudges- New Zealand" (7 April 2020) Verfassungsblog
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers - Dean Knight and Geoff McLay, "Is New Zealand's Covid-19 lockdown lawful?- an alternative view" (11 May 2020) UK Constitutional Law Blog
#Lockdown #Legality - Elena Gligorijevic, "Government accountability for the lawfulness of lockdown: New Zealand parliamentary scrutiny and privileged legal advice" (11 May 2020) UK Constitutional law blog
#JudicialReview #Lockdown #Legality - Sonia Mazey and Jeremy Richardson, "Lesson-Drawing from New Zealand and Covid-19: The Need for Anticipatory Policy Making" (12 August 2020) The Political Quarterly
#Policy #Implementation - Janet McLean, "Risk and the Rule of Law" (10 August 2020) Policy Quarterly Vol 16 No 3
#RuleofLaw #Proportionality #Legitimacy #EmergencyPowers - Janet McLean, Arie Rosen, Nicole Roughan and Jesse Wall, "Legality in times of emergency: assessing NZ's response to Covid-19" (March 2021) Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
#Legality #JudicialReview #Constitution #EmergencyPowers #RuleofLaw - Helen O'Connor, W John Hopkins and David Johnston, "For the great good? Data and disasters in a post-COVID world" (March 2021) Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
#Data #Comparative - Richard W Parker, "Lessons from New Zealand's COVID-19 Success" (9 June 2020) The Regulatory Review
#Overview - Michael Webster, "Government decision making during a crisis the New Zealand experience during the Covid-19 pandemic" (February 2021) Policy Quarterly Vol 17 No 1
#Cabinet #PrimeMinister #Executive #EmergencyPowers - Hana Wilberg, "Interpreting Pandemic Powers: Qualifications to the Principle of Legality" (2021) Public Law Review Vol 31
#Legality - Myra Williamson, "A Stress-Test for Democracy: Analysing the New Zealand Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Constitutional Perspective" (25 May 2020) Kuwait International Law School Journal
#EmergencyPowers #Constitution #EpidemicResponseCommittee
Content produced by academics
- Claire Breen, "Should a COVID-19 vaccine be compulsory—and what would this mean for anti-vaxxers?" (6 August 2020) The Conversation
#Vaccination #CompulsaryVaccination #PublicHealth #NZBORA - Claire Charters, "The relevance of te Tiriti o Waitangi in the COVID-19 era" (19 April 2020) Newsroom
#TeTiritioWaitangi #TeaoMāori #EmergencyPowers #Lockdown #UNDRIP - Simon Connell, "The Christiansen case, compassion, and the constitutional role of the courts" (18 June 2020) Pundit
#JudicialReview #CompassionateExemption #Border #Quarantine #Legality - Simon Connell, "To charge or not to charge, that is the question" (24 July 2020) Pundit
#Bordercharges #Quarantine #TreatyObligations #TeTiriti #Legality - Noel Cox, "New Zealand and Covid-19: a swift and firm response" (21 April 2020) The Round Table
#Constitution #Lockdown - Andrew Geddis, "Covid-19: Could the election be postponed?" (17 March 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Election - Andrew Geddis, "The Government is giving new orders. What is the legal basis for them?" (22 March 2020) The Spinoff
#Legality #Lockdown - Andrew Geddis, "How politics, police, and power work in lockdown New Zealand" (25 March 2020) The Spinoff
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers #LegalEnforcement - Andrew Geddis, "Lockdown policing can't work well while there's still confusion over rules" (30 March 2020) The Spinoff
#RuleofLaw #Enforcement #Lockdown - Andrew Geddis, "A place of greater safety?" (30 March 2020) Pundit
#RuleofLaw #Enforcement - Andrew Geddis, "Lockdown has a new legal basis, but does it make the rules any clearer?" (5 April 2020) The Spinoff
#RuleofLaw #Lockdown #Legality - Andrew Geddis and Claudia Geiringer, "Is New Zealand’s COVID-19 lockdown lawful?" (27 April 2020) UK Const Law Blog
#Legality #Lockdown #NZBillofRights - Andrew Geddis and Claudia Geiringer, "The legal basis for the lockdown may not be as solid as we've been led to believe" (28 April 2020) The Spinoff
#Lockdown #Legality - Andrew Geddis, "Come home; we still need you" (30 April 2020) Pundit
#EmergencyPowers #NZBillofRights #Immigration - Andrew Geddis, "Yes, the courts should scrutinise the lockdown. But Bridges' committee should back off" (7 May 2020) The Spinoff
#JudicialReview #Accountability #Lockdown #Legality - Andrew Geddis, "Where we are now on the lockdown and the law" (11 May 2020) The Spinoff
#Lockdown #Legality #JudicialReview - Andrew Geddis, "The level two law is necessary—and full of flaws" (14 May 2020) The Spinoff
- #NZBillofRights #Enforcement #EntryPowers #TeTiritioWaitangi
- Andrew Geddis, "One problem with the compassionate leave ban: it's quite possibly not legal" (22 June 2020) The Spinoff
#Isolation #Quarantine #Legality - Andrew Geddis, "Who controls the present now?" (16 June 2020) Pundit
#Election #Advertising #COVID19Messaging #ElectionCampaign - Andrew Geddis, "Today the legality of the lockdown will be sternly challenged. And so it should be" (27 July 2020) The Spinoff
#JudicialReview #Borrowdale #Legality #Lockdown #LevelFour #RuleofLaw - Andrew Geddis, "Victoria's lockdown a timely reminder" (3 August 2020) Newsroom
#Lockdown #PublicHealthResponseAct - Andrew Geddis, "By delaying the dissolution of parliament Jacinda Ardern buys time on the election date—but only a little" (12 August 2020) The Conversation
#Election #Dissolution #Delay - Andrew Geddis, "Parliament's dissolution has been delayed. What about the election?" (12 August 2020) The Spinoff
#Election #Dissolution #Delay - Andrew Geddis, "Unlawful, but necessary and reasonable: making sense of the High Court ruling on the lockdown" (20 August 2020) The Spinoff
#Borrowdale #JudicialReview #LockdownLegality #Level4 #RuleofLaw - Andrew Geddis, "Safety, not politics, should dictate election delay call" (13 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#ElectionDelay #Democracy - Claudia Geiringer, "Was COVID-19 lockdown legal? Professor Claudia Geiringer explains" (6 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #Legality #EpidemicResponseCommittee - Claudia Geiringer, "No, National, the caretaker convention doesn't apply now- and nor should it" (17 August 2020) The Spinoff
#CaretakerConvention #Election #Democracy #Dissolution - Alexander Gillespie, "Three most important laws in New Zealand right now" (3 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#LegalOffences #NZBillofRights - Alexander Gillespie, "As NZ goes into lockdown, authorities have new powers to make sure people obey the rules" (7 April 2020) The Conversation
#Lockdown #Legality #EmergencyPowers - Alexander Gillespie, "Was Level 4 a disproportionate action?" (16 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#NZBillofRights #Proportionality #Lockdown #Legality - Alexander Gillespie, "Five ways New Zealanders' lives and liberties will be heavily controlled, even after lockdown eases" (17 April 2020) University of Waikato website
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers #NZBillofRights - Alexander Gillespie, "Law and policy during COVID-19 outbreak" (20 March 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Regulation #Accountability - Alexander Gillespie, "Coronavirus: In an emergency, value counts for more than price" (20 April 2020) Stuff
#EmergencyPowers #Proportionality #Lockdown #Legality - Alexander Gillespie, "As NZ goes into lockdown, authorities have new powers to make sure people obey the rules" (25 March 2020) University of Waikato website
#Lockdown #Legality #EmergencyPowers - Alexander Gillespie, "Questions raised about the legality of the lockdown" (7 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #Legality #JudicialReview - Alexander Gillespie, "Are New Zealand’s new COVID-19 laws and powers really a step towards a police state" (19 May 2020) The Conversation
#IwiCheckpoints #Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw #RuleofLaw - Alexander Gillespie, "The law is clear border testing is enforceable so why did New Zealand’s quarantine system break down?" (18 June 2020) The Conversation
#BillofRights #MandatoryTesting #Legality #Uncertainty #CommissionofInquiry - Alexander Gillespie, "There is no legal right to free quarantine- but there is a fair way to set the price" (21 July 2020) The Conversation
#HealthAct #Borders #Immigration #ManagedIsolation - Alexander Gillespie, "COVID-19 coronavirus alert changes present Election 2020 challenges" (13 August 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Election #Covid19PublicHealthResponseAct #AltertLevel2 - Kris Gledhill, "A human rights approach to lifting lockdown" (21 April 2020) Newsroom
#Lockdown #HumanRights - Kris Gledhill, "Was New Zealand’s coronavirus lockdown legal? One week might make all the difference" (8 May 2020) The Conversation
#Lockdown #Legality #Enforcement #Prosecution - Elena Gligorijevic, "Government accountability for the lawfulness of lockdown: New Zealand parliamentary scrutiny and privileged legal advice" (11 May 2020) UK Constitutional law blog
#JudicialReview #Lockdown #Legality - Max Harris and David V Williams, "Community checkpoints are an important and lawful part of NZ's Covid response" (10 May 2020) The Spinoff
#Legality #TeTiritioWaitangi #Checkpoints - Natasha Hamilton-Hart, "NZ's toolkit for the COVID-19 response limited by our institutions" (13 May 2020) Auckland University Blog
#PublicPolicy #StateSectorAdministration - John Hopkins, "The rule of law matter even more during an emergency" (31 March 2020) Stuff
#EmergencyPowers #RuleofLaw #DisasterManagement - John Hopkins, "Hansard Transcript Epidemic Response Committee" (2 April 2020) Parliament Website (pages 1-6)
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers #DisasterManagement - John Hopkins, "Law, luck, and legitimacy" (8 May 2020) Stuff
#Lockdown #Legality #Legitimacy #DisasterLaw - Jane Kelsey, "Govt's urgent legislation tone deaf to Māori" (15 May) The Herald
#TeTiritioWaitangi #EmergencyPowers #EntryPowers - Dean Knight, "What is the Legal Basis for the lockdown" (1 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers - Dean Knight, "COVID-19 and States of Emergency: Lockdown Bubbles through Lawyers of Law, Discretion and Nudges- New Zealand" (7 April 2020) Verfassungsblog
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers - Dean Knight, "The legality of the lockdown" (29 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #Legality - Dean Knight, "New Zealand - Legal/Constitutional response to COVID19" (7 May 2020) Youtube
#Lockdown #Legality - Dean Knight, "Lockdown's legality and the rule of law" (4 August 2020) Newsroom
#Lockdown #Legality #Borrowdale #JudicialReview #LevelFour - Dean Knight and Geoff McLay, "Is New Zealand's Covid-19 lockdown lawful?- an alternative view" (11 May 2020) UK Constitutional Law Blog
#Lockdown #Legality - Andrew Ladley, "New Zealand and COVID-19: Parliamentary accountability in times of emergencies" (7 April 2020) Constitution Net
#EmergencyPowers #Accountability - Grant Morris, "Keeping our liberties alive in lockdown" (31 March 2020) Radio New Zealand
#HumanRights #Lockdown - Grant Morris, "The History of NZ's Constitutional Crises" (20 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#LegalHistory #Constitution #ConstitutionalCrisis #Election #Demcoracy #Dissolution - Geoffrey Palmer, "Hallelujah! New Zealand Government works" (10 May 2020) Spinoff
#Democracy #Constitution #RuleofLaw - Richard W Parker, "Lessons from New Zealand's COVID-19 Success" (9 June 2020) The Regulatory Review
#Overview - Paul Rishworth, "New Zealand’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic" (26 May 2020) The Petrie-Flom Center (Harvard)
#Lockdown #Legality #RuleofLaw #NZBillofRights #EmergencyPowers - Edward Willis, "Lockdown 'only a little bit' unlawful" (20 August 2020) Newsroom
#Borrowdale #JudicialReview #LockdownLegality #RuleofLaw
Media articles with comments from legal academics
- Henry Cook (with comments from Dean Knight), "Jacinda Ardern keeps options open as Judith Collins attacks" (13 August 2020) Stuff
#CaretakerConvention #ConstitutionalLaw #Dissolution - Thomas Coughlan (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "Legal challenge over coronavirus lockdown" (6 May 2020) Stuff
#Legality #JudicialReview - Collette Devlin (with comments from Graeme Edgeler, Nessa Lynch and Dean Knight), "Coronavirus: New covid-19 law gives police power to conduct warrantless searches amid civil liberty concerns" (14 May 2020) Stuff
#Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw #EntryPowers - Professors Tim Dare and Paul Rishworth, "Could lockdowns trigger an ongoing loss of personal freedom around the world?" (25 June 2020)
#Rights #Freedoms #RulesofLaw #HumanRights - Andrew Geddis interviewed by Māni Dunlop, "What happens if isolated people refuse testing?" (18 June 2020) RNZ
#Isolation #Testing - Alexander Gillespie interviewed by Kate Hawkesby, "Law Professor explains legal rights of Covid-19 border testing" (18 June 2020) Newstalk ZB
#Testing #NZBillofRights #Vaccinations - Al Gillespie on "The Panel with Dr Ella Henry and Dean Hall" (19 June 2020) RNZ
#Accountability #Legality #Border #Quarantine #NZBillofRights - Al Gillespie on "The Panel" (12 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Dissolution #Election #Delay - Karyn Hay (interviews Al Gillespie), "The countdown is on to mask up" (24 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#MandatoryMask #PublicHealthOrder #Borrowdale #Legality #Enforcement - John Hopkins and Heather Du Plessi-Allan, "Legal powers around lockdown rules may not stand up in court" (7 April 2020) Newstalk ZB
#Legality #JudicialReview #Lockdown - Dean Knight interviewed by Māni Dunlop, "State of Emergency extended- legal experts call for clarity" (31 March 2020) Radio New Zealand
#RuleofLaw #EmergencyPowers - Dean Knight on Nine to Noon, "Justified, but unlawful: A ruling on lockdown legality" (20 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Borrowdale #JudicialReview #BillofRights #RuleofLaw #HealthAct - Geoff McLay interviewed by Māni Dunlop, "Law professor scrutinises Public Health Bill" (13 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#NZBillofRights #Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw - Geoff McLay speaking to Susie Ferguson, "Covid-19:First days of lockdown unlawful- Court" (20 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Level4 #LockdownLegality #Borrowdale #JudicialReview - One News (with comments from John Hopkins), "Public law expert labels coronavirus enforcement as 'problematic'" (2 April 2020) One News
#Enforcement #Policing #EmergencyPowers #Discretion - Jane Patterson (with comments from John Hopkins), "Police didn’t check all recent arrivals were self-isolating -Bush" (2 April 2020) RNZ
#Enforcement #Policing #EmergencyPowers #Discretion - Mark Quinlivan (with comments from Alexander Gillespie), "COVID-19 law 'much better' than the first lockdown, Government has 'raft of power' - expert" (13 August 2020) Newshub
#Lockdown #Resurgence #RuleofLaw #Level3 - RNZ (with comments from Paul Hunt, Andrew Geddis and Dean Knight), "Level 2 enforcement law passed too quickly: Human Rights Commissioner" (16 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#LevelTwoLaw #EntryPowers - RNZ (with comments from John Hopkins), "Epidemic Response Committee Holds third meeting" (2 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Enforcement #Policing #EmergencyPowers #Discretion - RNZ (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "Government can mandate similar measures of Melbourne, expert says" (4 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #Masks #Prosecution #Fines #Iwi #PublicHealthResponseAct - RNZ (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "What happens if New Zealand goes back into lockdown?" (3 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #Legality #Testing #PublicHealthResponseAct - Dan Satherley (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "Rights lawyers back govt over lockdown legality fight" (8 May 2020) Newshub
#Enforcement #Policing - Barry Soper (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "Crown Law documents question legal force of level 4 rules" (7 May 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Lockdown #Legality #Enforcement - Barry Soper with Comments from Andrew Geddis, "Lockdown police powers- legal groups join judicial review" (10 June 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Lockdown #Legality #JudicialReview - Jeneé Tibshraeny (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "Law professor and economist flag concerns over cabinet excusing government departments from providing regulatory impact assessments on COVID-19 politics until August 31" (5 May 2020) Interest
#Accountability - The Panel (with comments from Eddie Clark), "Public law expert talks about inquiry into COVID patients details" (30 July 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Privacy #COVID19Leak
Selected other commentary
- Kingsley Abbott, "Unprecedented lockdown should be carefully monitored" (April 6 2020) Newsroom
#Lockdown #HumanRights #Proportionality - James Anson-Holland, "Locked down but not detained" (June 2020) New Zealand Law Journal 166
#AvArdern #BvArdern #Lockdown #Legality #LevelFour #HabeasCorpus #JudicialReview - Linda Clark, "Hard questions will need to be asked" (20 April 2020) Newsroom
#PublicInquiry #Accountability - Peter Cullen, "The rule of law is key at times of crisis" (3 June 2020) Stuff
#RuleofLaw #Accountability - Mai Chen, "Can parliament dissolution be delayed?" (12 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Dissolution #Election #Accountability - Marc Daalder, "Long read: The month that changed New Zealand" (13 May 2020) Newsroom
#Overview #CabinetPapers - Professors Tim Dare and Paul Rishworth, "Could lockdowns trigger an ongoing loss of personal freedom around the world?" (25 June 2020) Auckland University Blog
#Rights #Freedoms #RulesofLaw #HumanRights - Grant Duncan, "Voting is an essential service too. New Zealand can’t be afraid to go to the pills, even in lockdown" (13 August 2020) The Conversation
#Election #Democracy - Graeme Edgeler, "Pandemic Preparedness and the New Zealand general election" (15 March 2020) Legal Beagle
#Lockdown #Legality #Election - Graeme Edgeler, "On being sure of your legal footing" (10 April 2020) Democracy Project
#Lockdown #Legality - David Frair, "Lockdown ruling's limited impact" (21 August 2020) Newsroom
#Borrowdale #Lockdown #HealthAct #NZBillofRights - Sir Peter Gluckman and Dr Anne Bardsley, "The Future is now Implication of COVID19 for New Zealand" (April 2020) Discussion paper produced by Koi tu - Informed Futures
#EmergencyPowers #Accountability - Sir Peter Gluckman, "Coronavirus: Democratic innovation provides platform for public trust in midst of crisis" (23 April 2020) Stuff
#Democracy #Accountability - Duncan Greive, "The epic story of NZ’s communications-led fight against Covid-19" (11 May 2020) The Spinoff
#Lockdown #Politics #Experts #Trust #Communications #Compliance - David Hall, "The COVID-19 crisis test oppositions as well as governments. Ahead of New Zealand's election, National risks failing that test" (14 August 2020) The Conversation
#Democracy #Accountability - Janine Hayward, "Government Authority and the Covid-19 Lockdown" (10 August 2020) Policy Quarterly Vol 16 No 3
#LockdownLegality #Level4 #Cabinet #Constitution - Kerensa Johnston, "Whose land is it anyway?" (19 April 2020) E-Tangata
#Legality #Checkpoints #TeTiritioWaitangi - Cat MacLennon, "'Flippant' Bush doing himself no favours" (2 April 2020) Newsroom
#EmergencyPowers #RuleofLaw #Enforcement - Ian McDougall, "Coronavirus and the Rule of Law: A Warning from History" (23 March 2020) LexisNexis COVID-19 info hub
#RuleofLaw - New Zealand Human Rights Commission, "Human Rights and Te Tiriti o Waitangi: COVID-19 and alert level 4 in Aotearoa New Zealand" (April 2020)
#EmergencyPowers #TeaoMāori #TeTiritioWaitangi #Lockdown - Matt Nippert, "'No time for a trial run': Inside story of ow NZ fought pandemic" (16 May 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Overview - Matt Nippert, "'Days from disaster': The inside story of how our cobbled together lockdown nearly came undone" (23 May 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Overview #Lockdown