COVID-19 and Beyond: justice system
Kris Gledhill, Auckland University of Technology and Carrie Leonetti, University of Auckland
- Lydia Cheung and Philip Gunby, "Crime and mobility during the COVID-19 lockdown: a preliminary empirical exploration" (January 2021) New Zealand Economic Papers
#Crime #Mobility #Economics #Criminology - Elizabeth Stanley and Trevor Bradley, "Rethinking policing in Aotearoa New Zealand: decolonising lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic" (December 2020) Current Issues in Criminal Justice Vol 33
#Policing #Enforcement #Decolonising #TinoRangatiratanga #CommunityPolicing - Elizabeth Stanley and Trevor Bradley, "Pandemic policing: Preparing a new pathway for Māori?" (August 2020) Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal Vol 17
#Policing #Enforcement #Decolonising #TinoRangatiratanga #CommunityPolicing - Antje Deckert et al, "Safer communities… together? Plural policing and Covid-19 public health interventions in Aotearoa New Zealand" (May 2021) Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy
#Policing #Enforcement #TinoRangatiratanga #CommunityPolicing - Nessa Lynch and Ursula Kilkelly, "'Zooming in' on children's rights during a pandemic: Technology, child justice and Covid-19" (2021) International Journal of Children’s Rights 1-19
Content produced by academics
- Andrew Geddis, "How Politics, Police and Power work in Lockdown New Zealand" (25 March 2020) The Spinoff
#Lockdown #EmergencyPowers #Enforcement #Policing - Andrew Geddis, "A Place of Greater Safety?" (30 March 2020) Pundit
#RuleofLaw #Enforcement - Andrew Geddis, "Lockdown policing can't work well while there's still confusion over rules" (30 March 2020) Spinoff.
#RuleofLaw #Enforcement #Lockdown - Andrew Geddis, "Today the legality of the lockdown will be sternly challenged. And so it should be" (27 July 2020) The Spinoff
- #JudicialReview #Borrowdale #Legality #Lockdown #LevelFour #RuleofLaw #Enforcement #Charges
- Al Gillespie, "Three most important laws in New Zealand right now" (3 April 2020). Radio New Zealand
#Enforcement #Offenses - Al Gillespie, "Are New Zealand's new Covid-19 laws and powers really a step towards a police state" (19 May 2020) The Conversation
#IwiCheckpoints #Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw - Kris Gledhill, "Was New Zealand's coronavirus lockdown legal? One week might make all the difference" (8 May 2020) The Conversation
#Lockdown #Legality #Enforcement #Prosecution - Jane Kelsey, "COVID19 coronavirus: Jane Kelsey: Govt's urgent legislation tone deaf to Māori" (15 May 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw - Dean Knight, "What is the Legal Basis for the lockdown" (1 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Lockdown #Policing #Discretion #EmergencyPowers - Nessa Lynch and Yvette Tinsley, "Court adjourned: How the pandemic is delaying justice in criminal cases" (12 May 2020) Spinoff
#Justice #AccesstoJustice # CriminalLaw #Juries - Alice Mills, "From locked up to locked down" (12 May 2020) Auckland University blog
#Lockdown #Prisons - Elizabeth Stanley, "Fear, crime and justice in pandemic times" (2 April 2020) Newsroom
#Crime #Justice #EmergencyPowers - Yvette Tinsley and Nessa Lynch, "Remote Justice? Criminal proceedings in a pandemic" (21 May 2020) Newsroom
#Technology #CriminalJustice
Media articles with comments from legal academics
- George Block (with comments from Māmari Stephens and Khylee Quince), "Coronavirus: Prison 'timebomb' fears as frustration and boredom build" (8 May 2020) Stuff
#Prisons #HumanRights #Lockdown - Collette Devlin (with comments from Graeme Edgeler, Nessa Lynch and Dean Knight), "Coronavirus: New covid-19 law gives police power to conduct warrantless searches amid civil liberty concerns" (14 May 2020) Stuff
#Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw #EntryPowers - Higher Courts Reports (with comments from Paul Hunt), "Prison lockout for coronavirus lockdown goes too far - Human Rights Commissioner" (17 April 2020) Stuff
#Prisons #HumanRights #Lockdown - Thomas Manch and Collette Devlin (With comments from Andrew Geddis and Dean Knight), "Policing the pandemic: The 'unprecedented' powers deployed to keep kiwis at home" (29 March 2020) Stuff
#EmergencyPowers #Policing #Enforcement #Lockdown - Kayne Ngātokowhā Peters (with comments from Jane Kelsey), "Māori take lead in tangi limits" (17 May 2020) Newsroom
#Maori #Treaty #EntryPowers #Enforcement #LevelTwo - One News (with comments from John Hopkins), "Public law expert labels coronavirus enforcement as 'problematic'" (2 April 2020) One News
#Enforcement #Policing #EmergencyPowers #Discretion - Jane Patterson (with comments from John Hopkins), "Police didn’t check all recent arrivals were self-isolating - Bush" (2 April 2020) RNZ
#Enforcement #Policing #EmergencyPowers #Discretion - Kyhlee Quince (speaking the Māni Dunlop), "Questions raised after isolation escapee jailed" (28 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#ManagedIsolation #PublicHealthOrder #Enforcement #Policing #Jail - RNZ (Interview with Bridgette Toy-Cronin, "Transtasman law project looked at lockdown impact on justice" (21 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#CivilJustice #Justice #OnlineHearings - RNZ (With comments from Marie Dyhrberg QC and Bridgette Toy-Cronin), "Will a flexible justice system emerge from pandemic lockdown" (29 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Justice #VideoConferencing #Courts - Dan Satherley (with comments from Jane Kelsey), "Coronavirus: COVID-19 law isn't the problem, it's the interpretation - expert" (14 May 2020) Newshub
#Enforcement #LevelTwoLaw #Discretion - Dan Satherley (with comments from Andrew Geddis), "Rights lawyers back govt over lockdown legality fight" (8 May 2020) Newshub
#Enforcement #Policing - Anneke Smith (with comments from Bridgette Toy-Cronin), "Defence lawyers call for urgent review of covid-19 prosecutions" (22 July 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Prosecution #Enforcement #Breaches - Barry Soper (with comments from Andrew Geddis) "Covid19: leaked crown law documents questions legal force of alert level 4 rules" (7 May 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Lockdown #Legality #Charges #Level4 - Barry Soper (with Comments from Andrew Geddis), "Lockdown police powers- legal groups join judicial review" (10 June 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Lockdown #Legality #JudicialReview #Charges #Enforcement
Other selected materials
- Nathan Batts, "The dubious legality of Covid-19 alert level 4" (24 April 2020) LawNews
#Legality #Enforcement #Policing #Justice - Andrew Beck, "COVID19 and the courts" (June 2020) New Zealand Law Journal 177
#Courts #JudicialReview #AccessToJustice #Juries - Matt Burrows (with comments from Chris Finlayson), "'Troubling' arrests under lockdown 'undermine the rule of law' - Former Attorney-General" (4 May 2020) Newshub
#Prosecutions #Legality #LevelFour - Diogo Esteves and Kim Economides, "Impacts of COVID-19- The Global Access to Justice Survey" (24 May 2020) Verfassungsblog
#AccessToJustice #Survey #International #Comparative - Kerensa Johnston, "Whose land is it anyway?" (19 April 2020) E-tangata
#IwiCheckpoints #CommunityEnforcement #Policing - Angus Lindsay, ""COVID criminalisation" (17 April 2020) Newsroom
#Criminalisation #Enforcement #Lockdown #Māori - Catriona MacLennan, "An open letter to the police in a time of Covid-19" (30 March 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Enforcement #Policing #EmergencyPowers #Discretion - Cat MacLennon, "'Flippant' Bush doing himself no favours" (2 April 2020) Newsroom
#EmergencyPowers #RuleofLaw #Enforcement - "Law in the time of COVID-19" (April 2020) The New Zealand Law Journal
#Courts #AccesstoJustice - New Zealand Human Rights Commission, "Human Rights and Tiriti o Waitangi: COVID-19 and alert level 4 in Aotearoa New Zealand" (April 2020)
#TeaoMāori #TeTiritioWaitangi #Lockdown #Enforcement #AcesstoJustice - New Zealand Police, "COVID19 response data" (May 2020)
#Enforcement #Charges - Rhonda Pritchard, "The Covid-19 crisis is an opportunity to reform our prisons" (19 May 2020) The Spinoff
#Prisons #CriminalJustice #Reform - RNZ (with comments from Len Anderson), "Covid-19: Jury trials return after lockdown" (3 August 2020) Radio New Zealand
#JuryTrials #AccesstoJustice - Anneke Smith, "Justice system: How prisons courts are responding Covid-19" (24 March 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Overview #Courts #Prisons #LevelFour #Reform - Te Korimako video series on operation of the legal system during and post COVID-19 (Various dates)
#Courts #Justice #Custody #Sentencing - Helen Winkelmann, "Major change within court system must happen: Chief Justice" (17 June 2020) RNZ
#Remand #Litigation #AccesstoJustice