COVID-19 and Beyond: community welfare and wellbeing
Bridgette Toy-Cronin, Otago University and Annick Masselot, University of Canterbury
- Gordon Anderson, "Labour Law Under Stress: Some Thought on Covid-19 and the Future of the Labour Law" (October 2020) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
#Employment #Surveilance #Privacy #FutureofWork - Stephen Blumenfeld, Gordon Anderson and Val Hooper "Covid-19 and Employee Surveillance" (December 2020) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
#Employment #EmployeeRights #Surveillance #Technology #Privacy - Claire Charters, "The Relevance of Te Tiriti O Waitangi in the COVID-19" (January 2021) MAI New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship Vol 17
#TreatyofWaitangi #TeTiritiOWaitangi #Contitution #Legitimacy #Equity - Lydia Cheung and Philip Gunby, "Crime and mobility during the COVID-19 lockdown: a preliminary empirical exploration" (January 2021) New Zealand Economic Papers
#Crime #Mobility #Economics #Criminology - Dawn Duncan, "COVID-19 and Labour Law" (20 May 2020) Italian Labour Law e-Journal Vol 13, Issue 1
#Labour #Employment #Lockdown - Andrew Geddis and Alex Latu, "Unlawful Commands, Bill of Rights, and the Common Law" (October 2020) SSRN
#HumanRights #BillofRights - Nicola Green, David Tappin and Tim Bentley, "Working From Home Before, During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic: Implications for Workers and Organisations" (October 2020) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
#Employment #WorkingfromHome #FutureofWork #Telework - Annick Masselot and Maria Hayes, "Exposing Gender Inequalities: Impacts of Covid-19 on Aotearoa New Zealand Employment" (October 2020) New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
#Employment #Unemployment #Gender #Inequality - Andreas Neef, "Legal and social protection for migrant farm workers: lessons from COVID-19" (May 2020) Agriculture and Human Values Vol 73
#Migration #Employmnet #Agriculture #EmploymentRights - Nessa Lynch and Ursula Kilkelly, "'Zooming in' on children’s rights during a pandemic: Technology, child justice and Covid-19” (2021) International Journal of Children’s Rights 1-19
#YouthJustice #Technology #ChildRights
Content produced by academics
- Claire Breen and Alexander Gillespie, "The coronavirus crisis shows why New Zealand urgently needs a commissioner for older people" (1 June 2020) The Conversation #HumanRights #OlderPeople #ElderPeople #CommissionerForOlderPeople #Inequality
- Claire Breen, "Should a COVID-19 vaccine be compulsory - and what would this mean for anti-vaxxers?" (6 August 2020) The Conversation
#Vaccination #CompulsaryVaccination #PublicHealth #NZBORA - Simon Connell, "To charge or not to charge, that is the question" (24 July 2020) Pundit
#Bordercharges #Quarantine #TreatyObligations #TeTiriti #Legality #PublicHealth #IncomeInequality - Al Gillespie, "Was Level 4 a disproportionate action?" (16 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#PublicHealth #EconomicOutcomes #Proportionality - Alexander Gillespie, "There is no legal right to free quarantine- but there is a fair way to set the price" (21 July 2020) The Conversation
- #HealthAct #Borders #Immigration #ManagedIsolation
- Kris Gledhill, "A human rights approach to lifting lockdown" (21 April 2020) Newsroom.
#Lockdown #HumanRights - Andrew Geddis, "Come home we still need you" (30 April 2020) Pundit
#EmergencyPowers #NZBillofRights #Immigration - Val Hooper, Gordon Anderson and Stephen Blumenfeld, "A question of trust: should bosses be able to spy on workers, even when they work from home" (16 June 2020) The Conversation
#Privacy #Employment #Surveillance #HealthandSafety - Geoffrey Palmer, "Hallelujah! New Zealand Government works" (10 May 2020) Spinoff
#Democracy #PublicHealth #RuleofLaw - Dawn Duncan, "COVID-19 and Labour Law" (20 May 2020) Italian Labour Law e-Journal Vol 13, Issue 1
#Labour #Employment #Lockdown - Bruce Smyth, Lawrie Moloney, Jackie Brady, Joe Harman, "COVID19 and separate families" (16 May 2020) Australian National University Centre for research & methods
#Families #Children
Other materials
- Kingsley Abbott, "Unprecedented lockdown should be carefully monitored" (April 6 2020) Newsroom.
#Lockdown #HumanRights #Proportionality - John Anthony, "Aviation catering company Gate Gourmet used lockdown to try doge minimum wage hike" (8 July 2020) Stuff
#Employment #MinimumWage #WageSubsidy - Gill Bonnett (with comments from James McLeod), "Covid-19 lockdown: Visa disruption leave immigrant businesses worried" (15 April 2020) RNZ
#Employment #EmergencyPowers #immigration #Visa - Gill Bonnett (with comment from James McLeod), "Avatar crew allowed into NZ without basis in immigration rules" (13 June 2020) RNZ
#Immigration #EmergencyPowers #Legality - Melanie Carroll and Anuja Nadkarni, "What does the coronavirus mean for my job?" (16 March 2020) Stuff
#Employment #Isolation #Redundancy #Legality #HealthandSafety - Melanie Carroll, "Coronavirus: Can I be forced to work if I feel unsafe?" (23 March 2020) Stuff
#Employment #HealthandSafety #Lockdown - Peter Cullen, "Working from home - is your boss watching you?" (17 June 2020) Stuff
#Employment #Surveillance #Technology #Privacy - Priscila Dickson, "Can employers make staff get tested for COVID-19?" (19 June 2020) Newshub
#Employment #CompulsaryTesting - Scott Donaldson, Anu Kaloti and Sue Moroney, "Migrant workers caught in limbo with no safety net" (22 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Visas #Employment #Immigration #Regulation - Dileepa Fonseka (with comments from lawyers), "Inside sweeping new visa powers" (9 May 2020) Newsroom
#Visas #Immigration - Arthur Grimes, "Wellbeing, employment and Covid-19" (12 June 2020) Newsroom
#Employment #WageSubsidy #Wellbeing - Emma Hatton, (With comments from Gehan Gunasekara), "Employee surveillance software sales surge during COVID-19 lockdown" (2 June 2020) RNZ
#Employment #Technology #Surveillance #Privacy - Susan Hornsby-Geluk, "Employers unilaterally cutting pay during coronavirus lockdown may be acting illegally" (1 April 2020) Stuff
#Employment #Lockdown #Legality - Susan Hornsby-Geluk, "Coronavirus: Employers must consult before making redundant during pandemic" (15 April 2020) Stuff
#Employment #Redundancy #Legality - Susan Hornsby-Geluk, "Workers 'can’t be bullied' into pay cuts to avoid redundancy" (29 April 2020) Stuff
#Employment #Redundancy #Legality - Susan Hornsby-Geluk, "Employers who ordered Covid-19 pay cuts 'have reason to be concerned'" (22 July 2020) Stuff
#Employment #PayCuts #Legality #LevelFour #Lockdown - Kirsty Johnston (With comments from Prof Jennifer Curtin), "Government's economic response slammed for favouring men" (22 May 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Gender #Recovery #Economy - Aaron Martin, "Migrant workers during a pandemic" (19 March 2020) Newsroom
#immigration #Employment #visa - Alison Mau, "How the pandemic could widen the gender divide" (17 May 2020) Stuff
#Gender #Economy #Employment #Participation - Jay Marlowe, "Conflict, climate and contagion: refugees suffer" (20 April 2020) Auckland University Blog
#Refugees #RefugeeCamps - New Zealand Herald (with comments from Bill Hodge), "Covid19: The sage advice Fullers ferry boss ignored" (30 June 2020) New Zealand Herald
#Employment - LexisNexis, "Covid-19 Guidance Note- Immigration measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic" (14 April 2020), LexisNexis
#Immigration - Sir Peter Gluckman and Dr Anne Bardsley, "The Future is now Implication of COVID19 for New Zealand" (April 2020) Discussion paper produced by Koi tu - Informed Futures
#Welfare #Housing #Education - Elizabeth Stanley, "Fear, crime and justice in pandemic times" (2 April 2020) Newsroom
#Communities #Welfare #Crime #SocialCohesion - Benjamin Robinson-Drawbridge, "Detained refugees look to government for Covid-19 protection" (30 April 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Refugees #Resettlement - RNZ (Interview with Bridgette Toy-Cronin, "Transtasman law project looked at lockdown impact on justice" (21 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#CivilJustice #Justice #OnlineHearings - RNZ (With comments from Marie Dyhrberg QC and Bridgette Toy-Cronin), "Will a flexible justice system emerge from pandemic lockdown" (29 May 2020) Radio New Zealand
#Justice #VideoConferencing #Courts - United Nations Secretary-General, "Policy brief: The impact of COVID-19 on women" (9 April 2020) United Nations Secretariat
#Gender #SocialProtection #Economy #PublicHealth #Employment - Robyn Walker and Blake Hawes, "Preparing for a Covid-19 wage subsidy audit: Would your business be ready?" (15 July 2020) Stuff
#Employment #Welfare #WageSubsidy #Audit #Compliance - Alice Webb-Liddall, "How the world's largest refugee camp is dealing with the threat of Covid-19" (11 May 2020) The Spinoff
#Refugees #RefugeeCamps #Resttlement #Aid - Greta Yeoman, "Newly arrived refugees in limbo in lockdown New Zealand" (8 April 2020) The Spinoff
#Refugees #Resttlement #LevelFour