Research lab websites

Our School's research quality and output is recognised as number one in New Zealand. Find out more about our current research labs.

Links that form the image of a brain

Affective and Criminal Neuroscience Lab

The afcrinLab investigates affective processes in general population and criminal contexts.

Autobiographical Memory Lab

The autobiographical memory lab studies the relationship between memory of personal experiences and psychological wellbeing, with a particular focus on youth.

Banner - people crossing a road juxtaposed with an image of rolls of fabric.

Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research

The Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research addresses challenging global psychological and social issues through sound cross-cultural theory and research.

Model of a brain sitting on a window ledge.

Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab

The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab studies the cognitive and emotional processes that allow us to think, feel, and act.

Image relating to cognitive neuropsychology lab

Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab

The Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab uses the principles of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience to advance our understanding of how the mind works.

Emotions, Love, and Motivation Lab

The Emotions, Love, and Motivation lab focuses on how and why emotions shape people’s health and well-being with a focus on intimate and family relationships

Theoretical psychology books on a shelf.

Explanation of Psychopathology and Crime Lab

The EPC Lab explores theoretical issues in clinical and forensic psychology, including explanations of psychopathology, crime, and rehabilitation.

Infant and child congition lab.

Infant and Child Cognition Lab

Victoria's Infant and Child Cognition Lab aims to better understand how babies and children think and learn about the world around them.

Hands drawing a sketch on a scrap of paper.

Mind in Context Lab

The Mind in Context Lab studies how social contexts of culture, society, and ecology shape the ways people see each other and the world around them.

A man sits on a bench looking out over gently rolling hills.

Mindreading Lab

The Mindreading Lab studies how humans have two cognitive systems for tracking and ascribing others’ beliefs.

Romantic relationships lab

Romantic Relationships Lab

The Romantic Relationships Lab examines challenging questions about love and human relationships.

Social cognition lab.

Social Cognition Lab

The Social Cognition Lab aims to better understand how different social perceptions are formed, and how those perceptions affect our behaviour.

Four unseen women stack their eight hands in a huddle

Using talk and the body to prevent gender-based violence

Find out about this Marsden-funded research project led by Professor Ann Weatherall and Bell Murphy.

The whānau lab represented by an image of te herenga waka marae

Te Whānau Lab

Te Whānau Lab research engages with the Treaty of Waitangi principles and reflects whānau interests which benefit the whānau and research communities.

An image of many animated but blurry faces.

Vision and Cognition Lab

The Susilo Lab studies how people recognise objects, with a special focus on face processing and face blindness (prosopagnosia).

Youth forensic psychology research lab.

Youth Forensic Psychology Research Lab

The Youth Forensic Psychology Research Lab focuses on youth offenders, rehabilitation, and youth interactions with the justice system.

Social Justice and Wellbeing Study

The Social Justice and Wellbeing Studies (JAWS) lab is interested in wellbeing and how issues of social justice and equity contribute to this.