Tyler Ritchie

Indigenous perspectives on multiculturalism.

Tyler Ritchie profile-picture photograph

Tyler Ritchie

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Tyler completed her undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Psychology at Te Herenga Waka. After working within the public sector, she enrolled in a PhD to build on her master’s research, which focused on biculturalism and multiculturalism in Aotearoa.

Her doctoral research explores the meaning of multiculturalism in the context of Aotearoa, and its interaction with indigeneity, colonisation, policy, and legislation.


Bachelor of Science (Hons)
Masters of Science in Psychology

Research Interests

Biculturalism, multiculturalism, cultural and indigenous psychologies

PhD topic

Indigenous perspectives on multiculturalism



School of Psychology

Lecturer in Maori and Indigenous Psychology
School of Psychology


Te Whānau Lab - directed by Dr Tia Neha

Te Whānau Lab research engages with the Treaty of Waitangi principles and reflects whānau interests which benefit the whānau and research communities.