Linda Fatialofa

A Preliminary Descriptive Model for Youth Offending

Linda Fatialofa profile-picture photograph

Linda Fatialofa

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Linda is of Samoan decent born in NZ with strong connections to her villages: Lepā, Gagaifo Lefaga, Malie, and Nofoali’i. Linda also holds the matai (chiefly) title Apiapivao from Lepā.

Linda completed both her undergraduate and honours study at Victoria University. In 2018, she decied to continue her studies in the PhD programme and in 2020 she commenced her provisional year in the Clinical programme.

Linda’s research will utilise the voice of young males who offend to better understand the different pathways to offending within the NZ context. More broadly, her research aims to provide a foundation with which to advance current explanations in the youth offending area.


Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Psychology
Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology

Research Interests

Youth Offending, Offender Rehabilitation, The Good Lives Model (GLM), Forensic Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology

PhD topic

Applying the Good Lives Model (GLM) to Youth Offending


Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology

School of Psychology


Youth Forensic Psychology Research Lab - Directed by Dr Clare-Ann Fortune

"The Youth Forensic Psychology Research Lab focuses on youth offenders, rehabilitation, and youth interactions with the justice system."