Fin Johnson
Kia mau i te WeHI! The design, development, and validation of the Wellbeing Hononga Index (WeHI) – a new self-report measure of Māori wellbeing
Finley Ngarangi Johnson
PhD Student
School of Psychology
He manu tēnei nō ngā maunga whakahīhī ki Kurseong me ngā wai tapu ki Kolkata. He Whenua mātauranga tawhito, he whenua kari rau.
He mokopuna hoki tēnei o te whānau Te Rito ki Ōmāhu marae (Ngāti Hinemanu), ki Tuahuru marae (Rongomaiwahine) hoki.
Fin is a researcher, consultant, and clinical psychology student currently overseas completing a Fulbright scholarship at the University of Hawaii and Johns Hopkins University. He completed his undergraduate training in both Te Kawa a Māui and the School of Psychology before joining the Centre for Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology (CACR) to complete his Honours degree. Fin then started his PhD, finished the first year of the clinical psychology diploma, and supported a number of community and government organisations with Indigenous research and evaluation projects.
You can learn more about Fin and his research by following his research Instagram account @tutukakakaupapa or by visiting his research website
Bachelor of Arts in Māori Resource Management and Psychology
Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Psychology
Research Interests
Decolonial praxis, Kaupapa Māori Research, Indigenous psychometrics, Māori health and wellbeing
PhD topic
Kia mau i te WeHI! The design, development, and validation of the Wellbeing Hononga Index (WeHI) – a new self-report measure of Māori wellbeing
Prof Paul Jose, School of Psychology
A/Prof Priscilla Wehi, Te Pūnaha Matatini Centre of Research Excellence in Complex Systems
Dr Tia Neha, School of Psychology