Dryden Badenoch

Improving Cognitive Assessment Post-Stroke

 profile-picture photograph

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Dryden is a UK-trained Consultant Clinical Psychologist working in NZ since 2009. He currently specialises in dementia assessment and stroke rehabilitation at Te Whatu Ora—Health NZ's Whanganui Hospital.

Dementia screening tools are widely used in research and in clinical practice to identify post-stroke cognitive impairment. His research will explore the appropriateness of such use, with the aim of developing an equitable, sustainable approach to identification and management of cognitive impairment post-stroke.


MPhil in Clinical Psychology, Edinburgh

BSc(Hons) in Psychology & Mathematics, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Research Interests

Stroke and dementia epidemiology, cognitive assessment and remediation, psychological impact of physical rehabilitation.

Badenoch L.D. (2021) Schrödinger’s Tsunami: determining the true demographics of dementia in New Zealand. Psychology Aotearoa 13(2): 85-88

Badenoch L.D. (2015) Icebergs and Tsunamis: assumptions and limitations of New Zealand’s dementia demographic Data. J NZ Coll Clin Psychol 25(2), 56-62

PhD topic

Improving Cognitive Assessment Post-Stroke


Dr Carolyn Wilshire, School of Psychology

Dr Josh Faulkner, School of Psychology