Awatea Moxon
Understanding the Relationship between Whakapapa Knowledge and Psychological Wellbeing
Awatea Moxon
PhD Student
School of Psychology
My PhD adopts a mixed-methods research approach to provide a thorough understanding of the relationship between Māori whakapapa knowledge and psychological wellbeing. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected from Māori participants from a range of iwi, vocations and knowledge levels. Chapter 1, explores the influence of whakapapa knowledge on wellbeing according to Mātanga whakapapa (experts of Māori history and genealogy). Chapter 2, provides themes related to the lived experience of whakapapa knowledge in the form of moko-kanohi (Māori facial tattoos). Lastly, Chapter 3 provides a quantitative analysis of the effects of increased whakapapa knowledge on mental wellbeing. This research contributes to a body of literature which highlight the power of whakapapa knowledge to promote mental wellbeing.
BSc. Major in Psychology, Minor in Neuroscience, BSc (Hons) Psychology
Research Interests
Māori approaches to Psychological Wellbeing
PhD topic
Understanding the Relationship between Whakapapa Knowledge and Psychological Wellbeing
Dr Matt Hammond, School of Psychology
Prof Paul Jose, School of Psychology