Victoria Students' Psychology Society

The Victoria Students’ Psychology Society allows psychology students to get to know their peers and lecturers outside of the classroom environment.

Psychology Society written inside a drawing of a skull and brain.

Victoria Students’ Psychology Society (PSYC Society) was originally established in 2009. The PSYC Society is run by a combined group of 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and postgraduate students studying psychology. PSYC Society is a Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA) affiliated club.

Mission statement

PSYC Society aims to provide a forum for students of psychology at Victoria University of Wellington to get to know their classmates, students of all levels and staff within the School of Psychology.

PSYC Society will host social events that students and staff of the School alike, can attend.


Why become a member? PSYC Society membership will provide you with the opportunity to meet other like-minded students of all levels taking psychology. Becoming a member entitles you to attend all PSYC Society events at a special, cheaper price.

PSYC Society will offer a number of events like the annual Quiz Night, talks by guest lecturers, movie nights and other social events to bring students and staff together. Non-members are able to attend events; however, they may be charged an entry fee payable at the door.

Who can join VSPS?

If you are studying psychology at any level or even if you just have an interest in psychology you are eligible to join.

What costs are involved?

Membership costs $5.00 per annum, or you can purchase a $20.00 lifetime membership.

How do I join VSPS?

PSYC Society will have a sign up stand during Clubs Week, week 1 of Trimester 1 and Trimester 2. You can join at any point during the year or you can sign up at any PSYC Society event, just bring along your membership fee. Alternatively, you can sign up on Facebook to arrange membership or you can email VSPS for more details.

Members of the VSPS Executive

  • President: Nate Bradbury
  • Vice-President: Connor Casford
  • Treasurer: Caitlin Sutton
  • Secretary: Janhavi Bhatia
  • Communications Officer: Saoirse Jolly
  • Creative Director: Jordyn Ashton
  • General Executive: Matthew McTeigue
  • Postgraduate Representative: TBC
  • First Year Representative: TBC
  • Staff Advisor: Dr Simon Davies


For further information about PSYC Society or any of the upcoming events e-mail VSPS. You can also find VSPS on Facebook.