Contact us

Find contact and location details for the School of Psychology, and for key staff contacts.

School of Psychology office

Reception: Level 6, Room EA630, Easterfield Building, Kelburn campus
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am–4 pm

Phone: 0800 04 04 04

Postal address

School of Psychology
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Physical address

School of Psychology
Victoria University of Wellington
Easterfield Building
Kelburn Parade
Wellington 6012
New Zealand

Programme contacts

Undergraduate study

Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Science, Graduate Diploma in Arts

Administrator, Operations and Programme Support

School of Psychology

Postgraduate study—Honours Programme

400 level courses

Postgraduate Diploma of Clinical Psychology

Administrator · Forensic and Clinical Psychology
School of Psychology

Postgraduate study—MSc or PhD by thesis

Administrator · Forensic and Clinical Psychology
School of Psychology

Lynley profile picture

Lynley Kadesi

Administrator, Graduate Programmes

School of Psychology

Other key contacts

Pasifika and international student liaison

Senior Lecturer in Cross Cultural Psychology

School of Psychology

Kaiāwhina tauira

Kaiawhina Tauira
School of Psychology

Disability liaison

Senior Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis

School of Psychology