About us

Find out about the goals and principles of the Policy Hub and see some of our key areas of research expertise.

About the Policy Hub or Raumata

The Policy Hub was established in 2023 to better connect the academic community and policy community. It followed a series of engagements with senior public servants to explore how the academic community could provide helpful insights to support policymakers in realising evidence-based policymaking.

The goals, design principles, and activities of the Policy Hub reflect what we heard from policymakers in those conversations.

Our goals are to ensure:

  • academic expertise is easily found when new policies are developed
  • academic evidence underpins policy decisions on issues of national significance
  • deep networks are built between the academic and the policy community
  • investment is made in research on issues critical to New Zealand’s future.

Raumata has been gifted to us as our Māori name

Raumata means net, or mesh of a net, which is in keeping with our University's waka narrative.  The component words of Raumata can also mean many faces, indicating the multiple and diverse organisations and people in society from whom policy is designed.

Design principles

Design principles for the Policy Hub are that we:

  • focus our efforts on key policy areas where there is mutually agreed demand for collaboration
  • provide independent, multi-disciplinary academic analysis informed by te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • work in a synergistic way with faculties across the University, as well as existing centres, institutes, and chairs
  • connect across the whole of New Zealand’s academic community and with tertiary education institutions overseas
  • engage early-career academics and emerging scholars—in particular Māori and Pasifika scholars within our community—in the processes to build trusted relationships between communities.

Key areas of research

We offer expertise and commissioned research in a broad range of areas and invite you to approach us on any topic for which evidence-based research is required. We focus especially on providing insights in the following key research areas:

  • climate change and natural disasters
  • social media, mis- and disinformation
  • artificial intelligence
  • indigenous politics
  • law reform.