Nicole Reddy
Nicole's advice for first year students is to not think of yourself as an average student or think that getting average grades is acceptable.

Ni sa bula vinaka, my name is Nicole Reddy. I am of Fijian Indian and European descent. I have two siblings, one brother and one sister.
In 2013 I completed a Bachelor of Teaching and a Bachelor of Arts conjoint degree majoring in Early Childhood Studies and Education. I did this degree because I had a strong interest in becoming the best teacher I could be for children in early childhood education.
I was a recipient of the Teach NZ Scholarship; the Victoria University of Wellington Teacher Education Excellence Award and the Pasifika Award for Excellence in Academic Achievement.
A challenge I faced during my studies was essay writing. I was able to overcome this challenge by planning ahead, giving myself plenty of time to finish essays before the deadline date and having tutors or lecturers read through my essays to ensure I was on the right track. I highly recommend asking lecturers and tutors questions as they are always supportive in giving extra advice.
I realised I did not want to be an average teacher so I set myself a goal of getting the highest grades possible. My advice for first year students is to not think of yourself as an average student or think that getting average grades is acceptable. Everyone has the opportunity and ability to aim higher.
This degree has given me a great foundation for a career in teaching and has provided me with many job opportunities. Since graduating I have been working in my career of interest. My first teaching position was at Karori Childcare Centre. I have chosen a new role at Moera Kindergarten, it is a new experience I am quite excited about. For the future I hope to one day become a head teacher for a kindergarten.