Dr Pala Molisa
Victoria University of Wellington has world-class teachers and researchers who are passionate about education, says Pala.

Full Name: Pala Basil Mera Molisa
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce and Administration, majoring in Accounting and Information Systems; Honours in Accounting; currently studying towards a PhD in Accounting
Current Role: Lecturer at the School of Accounting and Commercial Law, Victoria University of Wellington
Place of Birth: Vanuatu, to parents Grace and Sela Molisa
Ethnicity: Ni-Vanuatu
Pala Molisa
Pala Molisa
Pala’s influences were his mother and father, who instilled in him a love of learning.
Pala’s view is that "to be denied the joys of learning, and access to a fulfilling education is an injustice". He believes that Victoria University of Wellington has world-class teachers and researchers who are passionate about education, about sharing with their students their interests, and helping them to find those fields that they’re also passionate about learning – finding "their bliss".
The highlight of Pala's study at the University was meeting Professor Judy Brown and taking one of her classes ACCY314 Accounting and Society. Professor Brown reminded Pala again of why education is such a blessing, because "at its most authentic it is hard work, but so much fun, it brings you alive and it turns you on."
Pala's advice for students is to "find teachers, books, and fellow students who help to bring out these inner qualities in you."