Recorded auditions

Guidelines for submitting a recorded audition to the New Zealand School of Music.

Auditions will be held using recordings and video conference interviews. Ensure that you follow the guidelines below for recording your audition. You will be sent a link to a file upload site once your audition application has been received. International applicants will not apply through the audition application but instead apply for admission to the University through our site for international students.

Recording your audition

  • Ensure your instrument is in tune.
  • Submit an unedited recording of your audition. It must be a recent recording.
  • The recording must be of good quality in terms of sound and visuals. Your singing or music playing should be clearly audible.
  • Camera work should be straightforward. Use a tripod and ensure that your hands are in frame. Do not use any zooms or cuts—simply find a good camera angle and start recording. You can record each piece as a separate file or submit a single file of all pieces, but each file must be unedited.

The audition may be followed up by an online interview with you (using Skype or Zoom), to be arranged at a suitable time.

See recording requirements specific to each programme on Undergraduate auditions or Master of Music Therapy auditions.