Take a look at where study at the New Zealand School of Music—Te Kōkī can take you.
Graduates with degrees in music find employment in diverse fields. Careers range across all aspects of the music industry, and other industries such as film, theatre, social research, communications, arts and culture administration, events management, finance and law. Graduates are equipped with the skills necessary for employment in broadcasting, orchestral management, arts administration, and music education.
A few graduates achieve international and national recognition, becoming full time performers and composers. Others have portfolio careers that combine various professional music roles with other work.
Those who have talent can still be successful without gaining a degree, however formal study develops skills and knowledge, giving people a solid foundation from which to grow their careers and expand into other domains.
Graduates have well developed technical skills and knowledge in their major subject area. During their degree studies they also develop generic, transferable skills that are sought by employers. When writing a CV and preparing for interviews, it pays new graduates to analyse the course work they did. Specific examples are useful as evidence of the skills and knowledge they are offering an employer.
Performing and composing

- Presentation/performance skills
- Reading and writing music
- Vocal/manual dexterity
- Concentration and focus
Interpersonal and communication skills
- Leading/participating in small and large groups
- Understanding group dynamics
- Observing human interactions
- Attuned and sensitive listening skills
- Excellent verbal and written skills
Research and analysis
- Advanced research strategies, accessing relevant information
- Considering historical perspectives
- Recognising cultural differences and similarities
- Thinking critically
- Evaluating information
- Recognising the school/period/composer of a work
- Comparing interpretations
Problem solving
- Defining problem areas and their components
- Taking multiple approaches to problems
- Attending to details
- Perceiving patterns/structures
Organisational skills
- Planning programmes
- Time management
- Meeting deadlines