NZSM VicStart course

Get ahead with your musical studies by taking a first-year university course while you’re still at high school. Find out about NZSM’s VicStart course.

YMP senior student performs at a YMP concert.

Musically talented Year 12 and 13 students can complete a university-level course with the New Zealand School of Music (NZSM)—Te Kōkī, as part of the VicStart programme.

PERF 165—Project in Performance is for students of selected instruments or voice types and includes ten individual lessons with NZSM faculty staff over the course of a year, in addition to your existing tuition.

Lessons will focus on technical foundations and repertoire to assist you in reaching your potential and preparing for university study. You can take this course remotely, with online lessons and assessments, or on campus.

If you’re studying on campus you’ll also have the opportunity to sign up for University instrumental classes and masterclasses.


You need to audition for this course, and meet the entry requirements for VicStart.

You’re eligible for VicStart if you:

  • are 16 years or older by the time your course begins
  • have met the literacy and numeracy requirements for University Entrance and have a high level of achievement at NCEA Level 2
  • have approval from your secondary school.

How to apply

Step 1: Email NZSM

Send an email to to check if your instrument is currently offered, and for audition information.

Your email needs to include:

  • name
  • age
  • school
  • the year you’ll be at school when completing the course (Year 12 or Year 13)
  • instrument or voice type (choose only one)
  • highest grade and examination type, or Suzuki book level
  • number of years learned
  • other relevant experience.

Step 2: Audition

If your instrument is offered as part of PERF 165 you will be invited to submit a recorded audition.

  • Record yourself playing two contrasting pieces at the upper end of your technical ability.
  • Your pieces should demonstrate a range of technical skills and expressive qualities.

You will be sent a link to upload your recordings using mp4 format. We’ll let you know the outcome of your audition as soon as possible.

Step 3: Apply for admission to VicStart

If your audition is successful, we’ll ask you to apply online for the VicStart programme.