
BA Pavia, MA NUI, PhD Dublin, MA Victoria, MLitt Auckland


Dr Sonzogni has been educated at: Università degli Studi di Pavia (Almo Collegio Borromeo); National University of Ireland, Dublin; University of Dublin, Trinity College; Victoria University of Wellington; The University of Auckland. He is a widely published and award-winning scholar, editor, poet, and literary translator.

Marco has given conference papers, lectures, seminars and workshops at various universities, centres and institutions in Australia, Estonia, France, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. His scholarly and creative projects have received internal and external funding.

In the School of Languages and Cultures, Marco teaches language and content courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level in both Italian Studies and Translation Studies. He is the Coordinator of the new Master of Intercultural Communication and Applied Translation (MICAT) and the Programme Director Future Work (WFHSS).

Current research projects

Marco continues to research the poetry of two Nobel Laureates in Literature: the Italian poet Eugenio Montale (1896-1981) and the Irish poet Seamus Heaney (1939-2013). In particular, he is investigating how literary translation was an integral part of their own original writing from the beginning to the end of their careers. Marco is also researching a new book of poems.

Research supervision

Proposals welcome

Current supervision



Teaching interests

Key achievements

For services to culture, Marco received the Order of Merit from the Government of Italy (Cavaliere dell’Ordine al Merito, 2013) and from the Government of Poland (Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis, 2014). He has conceptualized, organized and coordinated the inaugural Creativity Week (2016) and the inaugural Cultural Sustainability Week (2017). He is the recipient of the Premio Montale fuori di casa for literary criticism (2018).

Selected publications

Published 2014 - 2016

Peer reviewed journal articles

M. Sonzogni. ‘Le vocali e le consonanti della storia: tre poesie di Seamus Heaney (1939-2013) e un mio inedito’, in Expressio (no. 1). A cura di G. Gaspari. Como: Università dell’Insubria, 2017, pp. 107-203.

M. Sonzogni. ‘La fatica e la forza della poesia: l’esempio di Seamus Heaney’, in Nuovi Argomenti (30 agosto 2016): http://www.nuoviargomenti.net/poesie/la-fatica-e-la-forza-della-poesia-lesempio-di-seamus-heaney/

M. Sonzogni. ‘La poesia di Seamus Heaney. Scoperta e testimonianza’, in Doppiozero (30 agosto 2016): http://www.doppiozero.com/materiali/la-poesia-di-seamus-heaney

M. Sonzogni. ‘L’ultima passeggiata con il Bardo di Bellaghy’, in Quaderni borromaici. Saggi studi proposte. 1 (Spring 2014), pp. 81-88.

M. Sonzogni. ‘A Jobber in His Shadow’ and ‘Heaney and Pascoli’ and ‘Note on Heaney and Pascoli’, in Remembering Heaney. Special Issue of Irish Studies South. Edited by R. Brandes. 1.1 (Spring 2014, pp. 30-34 and pp. 35-36.

Peer reviewed books

M. Sonzogni. Il «Guindolo del Tempo». Montale, Clizia e il pegno. Milano: Archinto, 2017.

M. Sonzogni. Passaggi. Poesie e prose poetiche (2014-2017). Carabba: Lanciano, 2017, 120pp.

F. Alborghetti. Portraits of Absence. Translated by M. Sonzogni and R. Woods. Montreal: Guernica Editions, 2017, 143pp.

S. Heaney. Poesie (1966-2013). A cura di M. Sonzogni. Milano: Mondadori (“I Meridiani”), 2016, 1158pp.

I. Brandeis-G. Contini. “Questa stupida faccia”. Un carteggio nel segno di Eugenio Montale. A cura e con una nota di M. Sonzogni. Prefazione di D. Demartino. Milano: Archinto, 2015, 55pp.

M. Sonzogni. Ci vuole un fiore. Poesie. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2014, 68pp.

G. Orelli. Pondering the Weight of Being. Selected Poems (1944-2013). Translated by M. Sonzogni and R. Woods. Foreword by P. De Marchi. Montreal: Guernica Editions, 2015, 170pp.

M. Sonzogni. Tagli. Poesie (2009-2014). Milano: La vita felice, 100pp.

S. Heaney. Morte di un naturalista. A cura di M. Sonzogni. Milano: Mondadori “Lo Specchio”, 2014, 124pp.

F. Alborghetti. The Directory of the Vulnerable. Translated and introduced by M. Sonzogni. Montreal: Guernica Editions, 2014, 135pp.

Peer reviewed book chapters, books edited

M. Sonzogni. ‘“Out of the Marvellous” As I Have Known It: Translating Seamus Heaney’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Literary Translation. Edited by J. Boase-Beier, L. Fisher and H. Furukawa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 377-405.

To Hell and Back. Dante’s Inferno in English Translation. Edited and annotated by T. Smith and M. Sonzogni. Illustrations by J. Peters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2017, 295pp.

Signata. Traduire : signes, textes, pratiques/Translating: Signs, Texts, Pratices. Dossier dirigé par J. Fontanille, M. Sonzogni and R. Troqe. Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2016, 400pp.

C. Pasi. Osservazioni/Observations. Poems. Translated by T. Smith with M. Sonzogni. Wellington: Seraph Press, 2016, 40pp.

Translation, Transnationalism and World Literature. Essays in Translation Studies (2011-2014). Edited by M. Sonzogni. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2015, 460pp.

About Eco. Edited by G. Adamo and M. Sonzogni. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2014, 206pp.

Forthcoming 2018 - 2021

S. Heaney. Eneide. Libro sesto. A cura di M. Sonzogni. Rovigo: Il Ponte del Sale, 2018.

S. Heaney. Sweeney smarrito. Traduzione e cura di M. Sonzogni. Milano: Archinto, 2019.

S. Heaney. Traversare l’inverno. Traduzione e cura di M. Sonzogni. Mendrisio: Gabriele Cappelli, 2019.

Raids and Settlements. Heaney as Literary Translator. Edited and annotated by M. Sonzogni. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2019.

M. Sonzogni. “Esempi di ‘alte discese’ nella poesia di Seamus Heaney”, in Per Dante. Teoria e pratica della traduzionbe e del commento. A cura di D. De Martino and R. Rabboni. Firenze: Olschki, 2019.

The Complete Translations of Seamus Heaney. Edited and annotated by M. Sonzogni. London: Faber and Faber and New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021.