Mātauranga Māori, Pacific Peoples’ traditional knowledge and intellectual property

Explore NZCIEL's research about indigenous knowledge systems and intellectual property, addressing legal, cultural, and policy challenges.

Traditional knowledge and indigenous cultural expressions are deeply connected to international trade, influencing sectors such as agriculture, crafts, textiles, and even entertainment. These unique cultural assets often hold significant economic potential, but they also require careful protection to prevent misuse and ensure benefits flow back to the communities that preserve and develop them.

The intersection of intellectual property and trade policies is critical in addressing challenges such as cross-border recognition of rights, equitable benefit-sharing, and the prevention of misappropriation. Beyond branding and geographical indications, traditional knowledge is linked to innovation, sustainable development, and the preservation of cultural identity in a globalised marketplace.

NZCIEL researchers examine how international trade frameworks—particularly those governing intellectual property—can balance the protection of traditional knowledge with opportunities for trade and economic growth. This includes exploring mechanisms for safeguarding cultural heritage, facilitating access to global markets, and supporting indigenous communities through inclusive and sustainable trade practices.

Research on traditional knowledge 2023


Susy Frankel

Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Moral Rights (Ysolde Gendreau ed)


[PRESENTATION] Mātauranga Māori and the Interface with the Intellectual Property Ecosystem

Susy Frankel

Workshop TTOs & Indigenous Intellectual Property: Principles, Policies and Engagement: What to Do



Susy Frankel

Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Creative Industries, Abbe E.L. Brown and Charlotte Waelde (eds), Edward Elgar, 2018.



Susy Frankel

in "Across Intellectual Property: Essays in Honour of Sam Ricketson" 227, Graeme W. Austin, Andrew F. Christie, Andrew T. Kenyon and Megan Richardson (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2020)



Susy Frankel and Jessica Lai

Patent Law and Policy




Susy Frankel

in "Intellectual Property at the Edge: The Contested Contours of Intellectual Property " Rochelle Dreyfuss and Jane Ginsburg (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2014. Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper No. 5/2014.



Susy Frankel

in "International Trade in Indigenous Cultural Heritage, Christoph Graber, Karolina Kuprecht and Jessica Lai (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012. Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper No. 34/2011.


Susy Frankel

in "The Law of Reputation and Brands in the Asia Pacific", Andrew T. Kenyon, Megan Richardson and Wee Loon Ng-Loy (eds), 2012. Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper No. 39/2012.



Susy Frankel

in "Trademark Law and Theory: A Handbook of Contemporary Research, Graeme B. Dinwoodie and Mark D. Janis, eds., Edward Elgar Publishers, 2008. Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper No. 36/2011.

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