Find out about completed and in-progress research by the New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law (NZCIEL) and explore our current areas of research.
The NZCIEL team specialises in various aspects of international economic law, including:
- the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
- other international trade law systems based on subsequent trade agreements
- international intellectual property law
- trade practices and development strategies
- structure and operations of the international monetary system
- international investment law
- transition economies and developing states.
Since its establishment, NZCIEL has contributed to the New Zealand and international research environment through conferences, seminars, and publications.
The Centre’s first years have particularly focused on trade, innovation, and investment through a series of conferences, seminars, and publications on a variety of topics including international trade law, investment, and intellectual property law.
Toolkits and reports
Access utility tools and reports from the NZCIEL, designed to support trade and regulatory analysis with practical insights and research-based solutions.
Mātauranga Māori, Pacific Peoples’ traditional knowledge and intellectual property
Explore NZCIEL's research about indigenous knowledge systems and intellectual property, addressing legal, cultural, and policy challenges.
Intellectual property and health
Learn about NZCIEL's research examining the role of intellectual property in health innovation, access to medicines, and global health governance.
Trade, innovation and climate change
Discover NZCIEL's research on how trade policies and innovation contribute to addressing climate change and promoting sustainable economic development.
Digital trade
Find NZCIEL's research exploring the opportunities and challenges of digital trade, including data governance, e-commerce, and regulatory frameworks.