NZCIEL Events, Seminars & Workshops

NZCIEL Events, Seminars & Workshops

New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law, Victoria University of Wellington

The New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law (NZCIEL) has set up a page on the Cassyni platform to make managing its events related to international economic law easier. This page allows to find information about upcoming seminars, workshops, and conferences hosted by NZCIEL. It features event schedules, details about speakers, easy online registration, and access to related materials.

Prof Susy Frankel FRSNZ
Prof Nicolas Diebold
Paul Scott
Nikita Melashchenko
Prof Susy Frankel FRSNZ
Prof Nicolas Diebold
Paul Scott
Matt Plummer
New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law
New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Lucerne

Symposium on Economic Freedom: Reading the Swiss Constitution

Susy Frankel, Victoria University of Wellington
Nicolas Diebold, University of Lucerne