Te whakatuwheratanga—opening of the Living Pā

You are invited to attend the reawakening of Te Tumu Herenga Waka wharenui and the opening of the Living Pā building, on Friday 6 December 2024.

We welcome you and your whānau to the reopening of Te Tumu Herenga Waka and the opening of the new Living Building on Friday 6 December 4.30 to 7.30 am.


He karanga tēnei ki a koutou katoa, kia haere mai ki te tō mai anō i te mauri o tō tātou wharenui o Te Tumu Herenga Waka ki te ao mārama, ā, ki te whakatuwhera hoki i te whare hou o te marae o Te Herenga Waka.

Ā hea: 6 o Tīhema 2024, 4.30–7.30 am

Ki hea: Te Herenga Waka Marae, Kelburn Parade, Te Whanganui a Tara

Rēhita mai


Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington welcomes you to the reopening of Te Tumu Herenga Waka and the opening of the new accompanying Living Building.

When: 6 December 2024, 4.30–7.30 am

Where: Te Herenga Waka Marae, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Parade, Wellington

Register here

Mō te āpōpō—Connecting our legacy to celebrate our future

Hei whakamārama—Some explanations about what to expect at the ceremony:

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington welcomes staff, students, and the rest of the wider community to participate in this auspicious occasion where we reawaken our wharenui, Te Tumu Herenga Waka, and open the accompanying new Living Building™ as part of our University's marae complex. This event is open to the public.

Please gather outside the Easterfield Building on Kelburn Parade by 4.15 am. The dawn ceremony will begin at 4.30 am, led by mana whenua. Mana whenua, senior staff members and Living Pā ambassadors, will be officiating the ceremony and will gather outside the new Living Building on Kelburn Parade. We ask everyone else to please stay safe on the Easterfield side of the road and remain silent so that the karakia can be heard.

Once the karakia commence, ushers will guide the public across the road onto the marae complex to be part of the ceremony. Please be mindful it may take some time to complete the karakia, so we ask for your patience.

During the ritual associated with the new Living Building, someone will ask “Ko wai te ingoa o te whare?” (What is the name of this house?). The second question will be, “mō wai tēnei whare?” (who is this building for?) and the answer for the crowd to say is “mō tātou katoa!” (for all of us!).  You are encouraged to join in with this part of the ceremony and say these words in response to the second question. It is important that we listen out for the cues and return to silence after this part of the ceremony.

There will be an opportunity for everyone to walk through the building once the official procession is complete. Following this, a light parakuihi (breakfast) will be served back across the road in The Hub. This will be followed by mihimihi (speeches) and celebrations from 6.00 am.


Parking will be limited all day—please use public transport, taxis, ubers, or carpool wherever you can. YourRide have offered a discount on taxi rides for Friday 6 December. Please use the code VUW25 to get 25% off when booking through the YourRide app.


Parking at the University is very limited around the university, although there are a few carparks at gates 1 and 7 (as marked on this map). Additionally there is street parking on Salamanca Road, on Kelburn Parade (outside Kelburn Park in particular), and on Glasgow Street.

You may use Gate 2 as a drop off point. Kaumātua and people with mobility issues should be dropped off at the bus stop outside Easterfield Building before you park your car elsewhere. We are expecting a large crowd, so be cautious when driving up Kelburn Parade.

Bicycle stands

Bicycle parking stands on the Kelburn campus are situated in the following locations:

  • Alan MacDiarmid—basement
  • Cotton Plaza
  • Easterfield—west (in front of Pharmacy)
  • Hunter Courtyard
  • Kirk—north/east (Hunter Courtyard)
  • Laby—under south end
  • Murphy Building—east
  • Malaghan Institute
  • New Zealand School of Music
  • Rec Centre—west
  • Tim Beaglehole Courtyard
  • 83 Fairlie Terrace—west
  • 85 Fairlie Terrace—basement.

Motorcycle parks

Permits are not required for motorcycles. A number of designated areas have been provided for motorcycles and scooters:

  • Roof of von Zedlitz service tower off Glasgow Street
  • Laby—under building at south end
  • Ring Road—motorcycle deck behind Rankine Brown
  • 85 Fairlie Terrace.

It is recommended that motorcyclists lock their bikes and take their personal property—including helmets with them.

At the end of the ceremony, everyone will be invited to the Hub for a light breakfast, speeches and kapa haka. We hope you will come join us for this wonderful celebration.
He pā mataora   A thriving community
He pā kaiao   A living lab
He pā anamata   A bright future!

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