Wellington’s water warning level is now Level 2—no sprinklers, hand-watering only

Our wai can run dry, and the risk of a water shortage in Wellington is real. The rest of the Wellington region joined South Wairarapa at Level 2 within the water restriction levels on Wednesday 17 January.

The University is continuing to do everything we can to ensure that we use less water on our campuses and in our halls of residence. Mains leaks on our property have now been fixed, and our groundskeepers, cleaners, and other contractors are restricting their water use.

At Level 2, Wellington Water asks you only to use handheld watering devices such as hoses to water your garden.

However, we would also like to encourage everybody on our campuses and in our halls to be conscious of water use. A simple way to reduce usage is to use the half-flush on toilets where possible and reduce the length of showers taken on campus.

Most importantly, let us know immediately if you hear running water somewhere you wouldn’t expect—you can do this by calling Property Services on 0800 100 140. They will get someone out to check where it is coming from.

It is still likely that Wellington will move to Level 3 restrictions at some stage this summer, but the likelihood of a move to Level 4 has reduced from 33% to 23%. Here are tools and information about saving water.

Thank you for helping us conserve water this summer.

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