Poroporoaki—Dr Ihakara Puketapu

Dr Ihakara Porutu Puketapu, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington alumnus and honorary doctorate recipient, passed away on Friday 7 July.

Dr Puketapu graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, and was later awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws. He also graduated with a Master of Arts from the University of Chicago.

Dr Puketapu was a path-breaking senior public servant and an inspirational leader in community and economic development. His work profoundly benefited Māori and brought international admiration to Māori arts and language. He achieved personal academic and sporting success and gave his time and vision to helping others achieve the same.

This poroporoaki to Dr Puketapu was prepared by Tu Temara, Mata Awhinuku at Marae o te Herenga Waka.

Tērā te toki matapō ka wawara
He poutokomanawa whare ka turakina!
Pūkohu tāiri ki runga o Te Whanganui a Tara
He pō ka moea, he ao ka tirohia
Ka oho ki te ao he manawa tūreikura.

Mā wai rā e tīrangi i te riu o te waka?
Mā wai e taki i te iwi ka hē,
E tārei i te kupu a te kōkō tatakī, a te pēperekōu?

Kei hea rā taku mata tūhua hei haehae ake I te kiri
Hei awhi ake I te ngākau e kanehetia nei I te ao, I te pō

Ka riro atu koe e Kara, ki te rua kōhā o Matariki
Ki te ope o te rua Matariki
Ki te huinga o Kahurangi.

Ka oho ake ki te ao, he manawa tūreikura.

Echoes of a prophetic adze heralded
The fall of a citadel
Shrouding a people in a cloud of tribulation
Restlessly sleeping as dusk descended
Only to be sorrowfully awaken, provoked by a wretched heart
As dawn revealed itself.

Who else can challenge the status quo?
Who else can challenge the provocations of a society
with a gentleman’s acumen and political satire?

How does one remain calm in a sea of anguish
to emerge from the depths of despair
compelling a yearning heart to seek solace.

As you descend the gulf of Matariki
entering the assembly of hero’s
And dearly departed.

It is with a wretched heart that I greet the day.

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