Striking it rich with education

Kasha Szewczyk is a distance student with a difference—she is studying remotely from ships and oil platforms off the Taranaki coast.

Photo of Kasha Szewczyk

When we think distance learning environments, suburban kitchen tables and comfy armchairs spring to mind, rather than industrial oil rigs.

Paramedic, Bachelor of Science student, and mum Kasha Szot has worked remote contracts for many years, previously relying on a limited number of options when choosing what to study online. However, a global pivot to online study, brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, has meant the limitations of distance have been removed.

“I’m working in the oil and gas industry, mainly on projects that involve decommissioning old oil fields. I can be on ships or platforms for six or more weeks at a time, often with poor or limited network connectivity,” says Kasha.

To counter the problem of not having Wi-Fi, Kasha plans how she’s going to manage the work before setting out for a stint at sea. She says course selection is an important part of knowing what’s achievable.

“I aim to download all material prior to deployment. If the assignments contain mostly written assessment, I know I will succeed in a course, even if it is content heavy. Days at work are long and each day is a workday, so sometimes Zooming is not possible. Time flexibility is imperative to give me power over my own learning and schedule.”

She wanted to return to university to study physiotherapy—which would have based her in Auckland—but a combination of circumstances including the global pandemic meant she had to think again.

Unsure of what to do, she went on the Te Herenga Waka website and discovered a scholarship for people affected by the pandemic.

“I knew Te Herenga Waka campuses because my son studies at Kelburn and Te Aro—and it looked like a dream study environment. I found out that I could use my previous degree as a springboard to a Graduate Diploma in just about anything at Te Herenga Waka.”

In the past Kasha’s work has been hard to balance with her eagerness to study.

“I spent 18 months in the Solomon Islands as a sole medic for the Australian/NZ SIPDP (Solomon Islands Police Development Program) and travelled through remote Australian outback between a variety of contracts—military, humanitarian, and oil and gas. This kind of lifestyle made traditional campus-based study quite challenging, if not impossible.

“Te Herenga Waka has offered learning in modes that are compatible not only with the world that was frozen by pandemic, but also with life commitments, work, remote living, or travel. If those modes are available, I will continue to study.”

Kasha’s ability to stay focused on study with work and other distractions close-by, is helped by her skill in completely immersing herself in a topic.

“When I study I ‘submerge’, I absolutely disappear into the topic. I try to have one single objective in focus at a time. I allow myself to fall in rabbit holes, follow odd threads, circumference the topic. This way I get to know it well, which makes me comfortable with it, and therein helps with tests and assignments. It’s good ground to build on.”

Kasha’s family share her passion for knowledge.

“They are as much of nerds as I am, so more often than not, they are interested and keen to learn stuff I learn.”

Communicating with the University from afar has been positive experience, with the limitations of distance not affecting the administrative side of studying.

“Te Herenga Waka has been incredible. Both administration staff and academic staff have been helpful and accommodating. My course adviser and Faculty staff helped me get some initial bearings and Student Learning helped with getting back into the groove of academia. The lecturers are more than happy to accommodate any issues.”

Her study journey has made a positive impact in her life, amongst the challenges of the COVID era.

“The global pandemic has pushed the door to academia wide open for me, which I never thought possible. I love studying and learning, and I will study for as long as I am able to.”

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