University operations over Christmas and New Year

The University is closed for the Christmas and New Year break from 5 pm Friday 18 December. It reopens on Monday 11 January 2021.

Ngā mihi i tēnei wā o Hine-Raumati. Greetings in this summer season.

Students are able to access some services during the break.

In addition, some Trimester 3 courses resume on Tuesday 5 January. The Kelburn, Commerce and Law libraries will be open from 10 am to 5 pm from 5 January, but the Te Aro library is closed for seismic work. From Monday 11 January, the Kelburn, Commerce, and Law libraries will be open from 8 am. More information about the libraries is available on the website.

Mauri Ora (Student Health and Counselling) will be open at the Pipitea campus only from 5 January.

From 11 January, Mauri Ora will operate from the Kelburn campus only. Mauri Ora at Pipitea will close and open again on 26 January.

The University Pharmacy will be closed from 19 December until 11 January.

VicBooks closes at 4.30 pm on Thursday 24 December and reopens Tuesday 5 January. More details are here.

Information about the University’s response to COVID 19 can be found on the website.

General news