Small business at the frontline: University pharmacy

As with many small businesses, the University Pharmacy at Kelburn Campus has felt the impact of a nationwide lockdown, but is continuing to provide essential services and being proactive about staying in touch.

The Unichem University Pharmacy

“Things have moved so quickly. Before the lockdown, we were very busy as March is usually our busiest month. We rely on foot traffic, and of course there’s no one here now,” says Sernty Lim, co-owner and manager of Unichem University Pharmacy. To continue supporting students who comprise the majority of patients, Lim is calling to check in on people and “remind them we’re still open and that they have prescriptions that can be collected from us”.

“We’re providing all the support we can, and we’re here to meet anyone’s needs. We’re glad we can remain open, so we can continue helping the community when they need us most.”

Although opening hours have been reduced to three days a week, people can still call, email or message the pharmacy’s Facebook page for advice or to fill prescriptions. For those who don’t want to leave their homes, medication can be safely couriered to their home.

Inside the store, a now-familiar ‘one in-one out’ rule applies and is being managed by Campus Security at the Easterfield Building main entrance on Kelburn Parade.

“We are the frontline, so we have to ensure we take all precautions, including washing hands regularly, provding santiser when people enter, and sterilising EFTPOS machines and counters,” says Lim. “If people have symptoms, we ask that they don’t come into the pharmacy. But if someone arrives looking unwell and needs help, I will put on a mask and gloves to bring out their prescription, and ask that they transfer the fee via internet banking.”

The important thing to remember is to plan ahead with medication, and check in with the pharmacy to ensure they have prescriptions ready to pick up — at least 24 hours notice is ideal. The Hardship Fund also covers medication, so students who are struggling financially can still receive essential prescriptions.

“Everyone’s in the same boat, whether a business or an individual. We’re all going through uncertain times. But it’s important to keep well and keep safe because that will keep everyone safe.”

Opening Hours

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am–1pm

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