Submission guidelines

What, how and when to submit to the IIML's annual online poetry showcase Ōrongohau | Best New Zealand Poems.

Submissions for Ōrongohau | Best New Zealand Poems 2024 open on 1 January and close on 13 December 2024.

What to submit

  • Only poems or books of poems by New Zealanders published within the calendar year of the current collection are eligible for consideration. (Unpublished poems may be submitted to our other annual online collection, Turbine | Kapohau ).
  • Poems or collections published in print or in online journals, and in local or international publications, are eligible. provided the publication date falls within the calendar year.
  • Publishers may submit books, magazines, journals or links to online journals that meet these criteria.
  • Individual poets may also submit published poems or books directly.
  • Personal websites are not eligible publication sources.
  • Please note the specific guidelines about electronic submissions under 'How to Submit' below.

When to submit

You may send submissions for Ōrongohau | BNZP 2024 at any time during the 2024 calendar year, provided they reach the IIML by 13 December 2024.

Poetry that will be published between the submission deadline and the end of December can be submitted in advance, with the place and date of impending publication clearly noted. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this.

How to submit

We prefer books or larger selections of individual poems (more than five poems or ten pages) to be submitted in hard copy.

If a printed copy of your book will not be available by the submission deadline, you are welcome to send a copy of the final edited proofs instead. Submissions of e-book-only publications can also be made in the form of a printed copy, with a link to the publication site.

Please email if you have questions about this.

Postal or courier submissions should be directed to:

Ōrongohau | BNZP editor
c/o International Institute of Modern Letters
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Individual poems or a small selection (up to five poems or ten pages) may be submitted electronically, as attachments, to: A link may also be submitted by email where the poem or journal is only published in digital form.

  • Please put 'Ōrongohau |BNZP submission' and your name in the subject line.
  • Include your name and contact email on each page of your submission, where practicable.

Whether posting or emailing, please include the following information with each individual submission:

  • The place and date of publication (or pending publication) of each poem or work submitted, including URL if relevant.
  • Your name, email and the poem title on each page you submit.
  • an email address for acknowledgement of receipt and any further communication.
  • If submitting a journal, anthology or collected work for consideration, it would be very helpful if you could note whether all poems included are eligible, or specify which poems are / are not eligible.

What happens after you submit

  • Receipt of email submissions will be acknowledged with an automated reply. If you have asked a question, or if we need to check anything or ask for more details, we will follow up with you as soon as possible. Otherwise your submission will be forwarded to our guest editor.
  • Postal submissions will be acknowledged if an email address is included with the submission.
  • Authors and/or publishers of selected poems will be contacted in February of the following year. For all accepted material, copyright remains with the author (or in some instances the original publisher) upon publication. Due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to contact individual poets and publishers to advise if work has not been selected.
  • The editors are unable to engage in correspondence regarding individual submissions.

The new edition is launched in late March or early April each year.