Louise Proudfoot (Scriptwriting, 2023)

'My advice to anyone doing the course is to commit 100%...You'll definitely be a better writer for it!'

Image of Louise Proudfoot (supplied)
MA Scriptwriting graduate Louise Proudfoot. (Image supplied.)

Louise writes: 'The thing I valued most about my Masters at the IIML was time. Time to write, time to try different genres and writing styles, time to challenge myself and be challenged by others. On top of that, I received invaluable feedback and knowledge from the Scriptwriting workshop convenors, Ken Duncum and Gavin McGibbon, and my supervisor, Gary Henderson.

'There is a lot of work and, being a mother of two living in the Wairarapa, I had reservations about being able to meet the course requirements, but it's certainly doable with some self-discipline and organisation. My train commute into Wellington became my saving grace; it was where I was most productive, be it typing away on the laptop or staring out the window, problem-solving. I always looked forward to catching up with my classmates each week and quickly became invested in the development of their projects too (as you're constantly receiving and giving feedback on each other's work).

'My advice to anyone doing the course is to commit 100%. Rise to the challenge of every assignment and work hard to meet the deadlines. You'll discover your strengths along with your with your weaknesses, you'll also discover other writing formats that could open up new possibilities. Soak in the knowledge and wisdom that's made available to you and allow yourself to be pushed beyond your limit. You'll definitely be a better writer for it!'

Louise Proudfoot was raised in Gisborne and complete a Commerce degree at Otago University before moving to Wellington and graduating from the New Zealand College  of Performing Arts. Over the years she has written, directed and acted in various stage productions throughout the Wellington region. Louise completed her MA in Scriptwriting in 2023 with Distinction.

She lives in the Wairarapa with her husband and two children.